The drive to my ex girlfriends house

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Andy's pov:
I was in my mustang heading home from the studio...and I decided to see if my ex girlfriend still lived with her parents....i had a cigarette between my lips my music blasting and the wind blowing through my hair...sometimes i even questioned my own sexuality...especially because i know that my best friend has a crush on me now don't get me wrong he's really attractive and kinda hot...but the thing that really gets me going is seeing his outlaw tattoo....god that made me want him more than ever...but I'm afraid to tell him how i feel...granted the fans ship us whatever the fuck that means...but holy fuck just hearing that sexy voice sends shivers down my spine...okay I really need to stop fantasizing about my best friend/brother....i had pulled up to the house and she still lived there, i pulled over towards the curb and sat there thinking for a moment....should i..? No i can't she said she wanted nothing to do with me right?...but me being the rock star that i am and said fuck it and got out of the car and walked up the driveway...I hesitated for a moment and than knocked on the door .

Lilly's pov:
I had heard a knock on the front door ...i had thought it was the ups guy dropping off my package, I walked over to the door opening it....only to see my ex boyfriend....I hadn't seen him in over a year...and it was kind of odd to see him "a-andy what the hell are you doing here?" And shit he was hot as fuck and it kinda turned me on a bit...not gonna lie i kinda miss what we had....but I'm sure he's got a special someone

Andy's pov:
Holy shit shes fucking hot....I hadn't seen her in over a year but damn "lilly i came to check on u because i got really worried about u...even though were not together anymore i still worry about you because in my head you're still my crystal blue eyes started to water....

Lilly's pov:
God seeing those blue eyes water just made my heart break and what he just said killed me a little because i put him through so much especially the way he found out i was cheating on him...god i feel horrible now...."a-andy im so sorry I really hope that u can forgive me for the hell that i had put u my head you're still my everything thing too"....god he doesn't know that i had a kid and its just tell him and then see what he says okay? "A-andy...?

Andy's pov
Yeah lil? Runs a hand through my hair...i hope everything is okay...i mean i could hear a little girl in the background but that could be her niece right?

Lilly's pov:
a-alright so before i cheated on you....and we had you know sex...i took a pregnancy test and found out i was pregnant....and she's yours...she looks just like i swear

Andy's pov:
Wait why didn't you tell me....? And oh my god i have a little girl whats her name?....i wanna kiss her but i know I shouldn't because she probably has a husband...

Lilly's pov
B-because i was afraid that you weren't ready for a kid andy and now i feel guilty for it...and i hope u can forgive me for it ...I'm so so sorry but if u want you can take her and probably give her a way better life than i can..she's always listening to you and the guys sing...and its cute because she pretty much knows every word...a-and shell sometimes call u daddy...but than i have to make up a lie and say that your not her father when you really are which i should be at fault for it.....

Andy's pov:
Im always ready for anything lil...granted I'm a rockstar and my life may seem crazy but its really not that crazy trust me...and you shouldn't have to blame yourself for this i understand that you were scared that it could mess up my career...but really my family and friends come before my career...I'm not mad nor am i upset with you...and if its really okay with you i could take her off your hands...but ill understand if your not ready too let her go

Lilly's pov:
If you really wanna take her andy she needs a better life than the one I'm giving her...its bad enough my parents don't want me here anymore....and i cant afford a house....let alone have a Job

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