Emerald and Violet

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In the house of number four Privet Drive of Little Winging, the Dursley family were celebrating the arrival of their second child.

Yes, second child.

Their oldest was a stark contrast to the rest of her family. She was small and thin with bright red hair and purple-blue eyes.

The rest of her family were animals in human clothing.

Her mother didn't like her hair and so she always had to dye it. So now it was a muddy brown color. She didn't have to worry about her mother's anger when he hair was brown but when the red started to show she was yelled at a lot.

So when one night when she was up reading one of her picture books, even though she wasn't supposed to, she heard a commotion. Sneaking down to the stair she heard her parents quietly yelling over something.

She watched as her mother came in with a basket and put it in the cupboard under the stairs and they made their way upstairs.

She quickly rushed back into her room and pretended to go to sleep. Once she heard their bedroom door she stealthily made her way downstairs to see what they had put in the cupboard.

The brunette quietly opens the door and finds a small raven-haired baby. She coos at the adorable sight and wonders why her parents put the little baby there.

She saw as he moved and carefully held the baby, her tiny lap filled with the baby made it difficult to move, but she couldn't help it. He was adorable.

She was six years old and knew something was wrong... nobody in their right mind would put a baby in a broom closet by themselves.

The purple-eyed child began to rock the baby back and forth when he whimpered. "Shh, it's okay, big sister is here."

The baby's eyes opened for just a moment and emerald met amethyst. Duel gem-colored eyes gazed at one another and the Fates design was changed.

One little boy was saved from a life that would break him and a slightly older girl grew to know what her resolve was.

The little boy went back to sleep and the older child knew she had to put him back until she confronted her parents about it...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2022 ⏰

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