Chapter Three

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"Ugh get of me!! Get of me you stupid monster!!" Victoria repeatedly shouted but the werewolf just kept snapping its jaws angrily at her. As Victoria wriggled free from the strong claws of the creature, she took a deep breath and ran for it. She ran so fast and was concentrating so much on the wolf behind her, jumping on tree branches leaping meters and meters at her, that the next thing she knew was that she just sprinted of a cliff of a cliff into large canyon. "Aaah!!!" she squealed as she relised she was free falling. Victoria landed on the crusty earth with a thud as clouds of dust followed her down the hill. She took a breath, looked up and saw the werewolf on the top of the steep slope holwing, barking and growling viciously from high above. She stood up and looked for the easiest way out possible. Unfortunately the only one visible was where she came down from, and from how much her bones ached from the fall, she was pretty sure it wasnt gonna be a short climb... "Crap..." she sighed as she sat down with a thump. The canyon was dry and a small breeze of dust would blow through every now and then. There were dead leafless trees hanging of small rocks just holding on with a few skinny dead roots. The place seemed dead with no food or water. She was stuck.

After hours of climbing, Victoria gave out a long heavy tiresome groan as she looked up and down and saw she hadnt even conquered half the towering claws of the great canyon she had been stuck in for the past 3 hours. "How could this get any worse?!" she shouted outraged. She imagined a scene where the rain started falling as soon as she said that and gave out a small chuckle.

Victoria's muscles were dying by this point but she was almost out, out from that bloody death pit. After one more extended grunt she lunged herself out of the canyon and sighed with relief. A few moments later, she gasped and kept as still as a mouse. She remembered what her aunt had said
" Beware the wolves... They can wait." she slowly turned her head and let out a long rattling breath... The monstrous creature was there, growling low like a far away thunder. Its yellow eyes dimly glowing in the misty freezing dawn. There is a long eerie pause with the most peculiar contact, staring into each others souls, devouring Victoria's insides willing to know how she will get out of this. It felt like neither of them knew what to do, will the werewolf attack? Will Victoria run? Will she be ripped apart any second and rot on the side of a dead canyon with bugs of all sort and ravens among birds and wolves and foxes, eating her away? For these few minutes, time seemed to stop existing. It was her and the wolf, her and death. She could choose or she could wait. She could run or she could give up. She could die. Either way it was the end of her.
"Im gonna die one day anyway" she breathed under her breath" why not get a head start?" she closed her eyes breathing in deeply, and slowly, slowly let her muscles relax and lay down on the crusty brown and yellow leaves surrounding her. She waited a few long moments, and suddenly, shrieking pain rushed through her head.

After what felt like hours of silence, Victoria could have sworn she was already dead if it wasnt for the familiar scent circulating her. She lifted her body from the floor, only to find herself, on her bedroom floor.

"Wh...What?" she stammered "How is this even possible?" Victoria rushed to the clock and was one day later. She stared for several long minutes checking back in her mind that when she left the house it was 10pm 12th of July and now its 11pm 13th of July. "Nope i must have missed the time on the clock, I cannot have been out there for a day!" she kept checking and checking the time and date over and over again, still not believing her very own eyes. But final she gave up trying, her head spinning with information trying to put the pieces together. Her head was still aching and that gave her a brainwave; she was knocked out.

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