Chapter Seven

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AN: Praise the Lord, I actually updated this story! It's really short, but it's something. I wanted to do a massive story update today so I can fully concentrate on writing for NaNoWriMo. I'm going to post that too when I'm done, don't worry ;)


Chapter Seven

“Amy!” Mom yelled from downstairs, her voice cutting through Oasis’s What’s the Story (Morning Glory)?. “Jimmy’s here!”

For the record, it's a shame that Oasis broke up before I got the chance to tell them how amazing their music is.

“Send him up!” I yelled back.

I heard Jimmy’s footsteps fall on the stairs. Soon, he was standing in the doorway. He held up a plastic Walmart bag and grinned.

“What’s in there?” I asked, pointing at it.

“Batman: Arkham Origins, like a certain friend of mine has been wanting to play for ages,” Jimmy said, taking the game out of the bag. “Nothing special.”

I reached my hands out, “Gimme!”

“Say it politely or Amy won’t get the toy!”

“GIMME!” I said again in the childish voice, reaching over to take the needle off of my record.

Jimmy sighed, “Kids these days...” He put the game in the X Box, which my parents had moved up to my room from the family room so I didn’t have to call someone to carry me downstairs every time I felt like playing video games.

He handed me the controller, “And since I am in fact such a great friend, I will allow you to christen the game before I.”

I shot him a look, “It’s my X Box, though.”

“And it’s my game, which I paid for,” Jimmy shot back, a gleam in his eye.

“Well, aren’t you just the gentleman?” I asked sardonically.

“Just start the game before I change my mind,” Jimmy said, taking a spot next to me on my bed.

I pressed the ‘start’ button on my controller.

“Holy graphics,” I breathed, in awe of the stellar graphics, which are the best graphics that I've seen in a video game.

“Amy, no graphics boners. This is supposed to be a badass game, for badasses” he said, "not nerds who notice things like the fuckin graphics."

“You’re such a graphics boner kill, Jimmy,” I told him jokingly. “Augh, goddamn tutorial! Who would buy Origins if they hadn’t played Asylum and City?”

“Idiots, dear Amy,” Jimmy said, resting his hands behind his head. “Idiots.”

I played far enough through the game to witness Black Mask killing Police Commissioner Loeb, before getting a killer headache. I set down the controller and squeezed my eyes shut in pain. Jimmy put his arms around me, immediately taking notice of what was wrong.

“Why can’t I just fucking die already?” I asked no one. “Is my life just a fucking little joke to you, God? Is my pain amusing to you?”

“It’s not amusing to anyone, Amy,” Jimmy told me. “Like Billy Joel said, only the good die young.”

“Billy Joel,” I repeated. “Damn him for never coming to our area. I so would have gone to that concert.”

“You’ll see it one day, Amy.”

“I look forward to that day. I'll be right in the front row, singing every word.”

"I don't doubt that."  

Thank You For Everythingحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن