Chapter 7 - Wouldn't You Like To See Something Strange?

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It was approaching the end of October, there were about four days left. Different areas around the school had started decorating for Halloween. Laurens had been trying to figure out costume ideas with his now official boyfriend, but Hamilton was working too much. Laurens noticed that Hamilton didn't even seem excited for the upcoming holiday. 

"Alexander, we have to figure this out," John whined from the bed.

"Just one more page," Alexander half mumbled as he typed away.

"You said that four pages ago."

Alexander ignored his comment. He really needed to get this essay done, it was due in two weeks. However, Hamilton did look up after he had finished that page. Laurens was laying on the bed with his turtle crawling on his chest. He loved his turtle. Even Hamilton found himself getting attached to the little creature. 

"Why don't you surprise me?" Hamilton hadn't really been listening. What he knew was that Laurens wanted his opinion and this was the easiest way to give him that without exposing that he didn't know what was going on. He assumed it was probably about food.

Laurens smiled, "really?"

"Yeah, it might be fun."

"Okay," Laurens thought for a moment, "I think I got something."

"What is it?"

"It's a surprise," Laurens smirked. His idea was pretty basic and usually a pretty common one, still, it would be cute. 


Hamilton made his way back to his dorm. It had been his last class of the day and the teacher hadn't assigned any homework. Hamilton was hoping to finally figure out what Laurens had been thinking. He always tried to find out what a surprise would be before it happened. 

When he made it inside he noticed a note on his desk. Everyone was getting ready in the Schuyler's dorm. There must be a party that Hamilton wasn't told about. It didn't bother him. He dropped off his books and made his way up to his friends.


"Pull it, Laurens," Peggy ordered. She had chosen a pirate costume that came with a corset. Angelica was busy helping Eliza, naturally Laurens was the next option.

"Is that good," he asked pulling it tighter. Peggy nodded and Laurens tied it into a cute little bow.

"Where is Hamilton," Lafayette asked as he stuck a bow in his hair. Lafayette had been told that being a cheerleader wasn't scary enough, so he was a dead cheerleader. Hercules was dressed as mouse because he allowed Lafayette to chose his costume. 

As if he had heard his name, Hamilton walked through the door. Immediately, he screamed. The bathroom is next to the door so, if someone walks in and the door is open they can see in. Hamilton just happened to walk in when the sisters were covering Eliza in blood. She was being Carrie, it was fitting since she had won prom queen. 

"Who's blood is that?!" Hamilton was a little freaked out by the situation. He looked over at Laurens wondering what was going on. 

"It's Halloween," Laurens wasn't yet in makeup so he didn't seem to freak him out. 

"Yeah," Hamilton knew what it was. 

Laurens let out a small chuckle. "Hamilton, it's okay. It's costumes."

Hamilton nodded. He knew what Halloween was but his mother had always been busy. Sure, she would bring him home some treats but he usually spent the night reading. He hadn't been completely aware that it was the kind of event where you cover your sister in blood. He had expected it to be more interesting than sitting in a corner reading all night by yourself. He had expected to read with John. Hamilton supposed this was okay too. It could be fun. 

Hamilton let Lafayette do his makeup while John did his own in the bathroom. Hamilton was supposed to be dead and Laurens was to be the vampire that killed him. It seemed cute. Before long the group was all ready. Hamilton had helped Angelica attach her headband, it was shaped like a paper cone. She was dressed as a bunch of cotton candy. 

Hamilton spent most of the night close to Laurens. Most of the costumes were a little funny but some were actually spooky. However, after some drinks Hamilton loosened up a little. The party was actually more fun than any other Halloween party Laurens had ever been to. The best part was that he was with Hamilton. 

Laurens looked around. He always liked seeing other people's costumes. He saw Jefferson dressed as what he could only assume was a purple big shot. Laurens wasn't hating on the velvet jacket but he didn't want anything to do with it. Laurens felt a pair of arms wrap around his waist from behind. He could tell by the sleeves that it was Hamilton. 

They were good together. It hadn't been long but Laurens really thought that they could make it work. They were happy.

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