My Bad Boy Part 1

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It was around 3am and Justin and you were just leaving the nightclub.  You were holding your heels in one hand as you held his hand with the other.  You both were heading for the car when Justin realized he left his phone inside.  He left you alone by a corner store for a moment as he raced back to get his phone. You leaned up against the wall of the store as you waited.  It was pretty quiet out except for the loud thumping and music you could hear coming from inside the club.  You noticed someone soon walk out of the club down the street.  They were about Justin's height and you thought it was him so you stood up straight and smiled.  As they walked toward you and into the light and you could make out their face, you realized the man was not Justin.  Your smile faded as you immediately recognized the man as the one who had been checking you out all night.  Whether you were dancing with Justin or at the bar or on your phone, he was around and staring at you.  Justin had caught onto the man looking at you multiple times that night.  It made Justin very angry and you had to hold him back from jumping at the guy a few times.  You knew Justin was not one to be messed with.  He was a bad boy, but good to you.
The man came up to you and smiled.
"My eyes have been glued to you all night," he said.
"I know, I've noticed, and so has my boyfriend.  He doesn't like that.  I suggest you leave.  He will be back any second now."
The guy gave a slight shrug.
"You can't blame me, I mean, look at you!"
The man began to slowly let his eyes wander around your body. It made you uneasy and you snapped your fingers making him look back at your face.
"Really," you said starting to get worried.  "You won't want Justin to get mad."
The man leaned up against the side of the store and smiled at you.
"Lucky Justin guy," he said.
In that moment, you saw someone else come out the nightclub and rushing over to you. 
"It's Justin!" you told the man.
He looked back to see Justin.  Justin was running towards the two of you.  He turned back to you.
"Guess I better make my move now," he said.  He stepped forward and Justin made it to you both just then.
"I got my phone," he said showing it to you, panting a little from the run.  Then he looked at the man and you saw his facial expression change.
"It's you!" Justin said in a stern voice.  "Listen, *Y.N* is mine and only mine so you better back up, got it!?  I've seen you checking her out all night and I don't like the way you were looking at her.  You should leave, now!" Justin said in an angry voice.
The way he made his voice made you tense up inside.
"Fine," the man said.  He turned to you and acted as if he were going to walk away, and without warning, he leaned in inches away from kissing you on your mouth.  Justin jumped in and punched the man in his jaw sending the man stumbling back.  He held his face and looked at his hands to find blood.  His mouth was full of blood.  He furrowed his eyebrows and tried to swing at Justin but Justin dodged and punched the man square in the face causing the man to fall back onto the concrete.  Justin's anger built up and he bent down and punched the man several more times before finally standing up.
You stood off to the side paralyzed with fear.  You knew that once Justin was mad, there was no stopping him and anything could happen, but he had never beaten someone up so brutally.  Justin's fists were covered in blood and so was the man's face.  You could see a wave of regret come over Justin in his facial expression.  The man lay motionless on the ground.  He wasn't dead, but Justin could potentially go to jail for this, and he knew it too.  His overprotectiveness of you had gotten the better of him.  Sure he has yelled at a few guys who checked you out or threatened them, and sure he had done many bad things before, but nothing like this.  He knocked the guy out.  He had taken it too far.
Justin immediately headed for the car and you didn't know what to do.  You wanted to help the man and call for help, but it'd also mean sending Justin to jail, and you loved him, a lot.
"Get in!" Justin called.  You stood there for a moment in thought and didn't know what to do.  Justin called after you again and so you got in and he sped off.  His eyes were glued to the road.  You were scared about what was going to happen.
"Justin, we just left that guy," you said after a while.
"I can't go to jail," he said, not breaking eye contact with the road ahead. 
"I'm running away," he said.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2016 ⏰

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