Lets go!!!

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Aquamarine's POV
I was running and running as fast as my little legs could go
I was running towards someone I kinda sorta knew
"Help me please!" I pleaded
I don't like pleading that much,well,at all.
I like to think of myself as stronger and everyone who gets on my nerves little people.
She was holding a gem I backed away and pulled out my sword from my chest my gem ain't visible so people won't kill me as easy if they can't see my gem they can't shatter me as easily,I think.
"Did you poof her?" I asked,she looked pretty innocent but I don't trust her.
"No!! Why in the world would you think so?" She asked me.
A gem was walking behind her to apparently poof her I think I lunged at her with my sword. She just moved away sending me off and on the ground.
I still tried to kill her. Until she pinned me to the ground.
"What do you think your doing?" She asked
"Doing what I was made for!!" I yelled at her face.
"Well 'team mate' I guess we're on diffrent teams" she said pulling my sword out of my hand. Then she swung me on her back like a bag. And pulled out a giant war hammer.
"You don't know what your doing!!! Stop this immediately!! You'll regret this!" I yelled,trying to kick her back.
"You wanna get shattered or not?" She said.
"Come on guys you gotta stop fighting!" The innocent looking gem said.
I kept kicking
"Whatever,fight fight fight fight!! Another gem said
She dropped me and ran.
The other gems gasped and ran. Suddenly the innocent gem picked me up and sprinted off her curly hair went into my face and she carried me off.

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