dear daddy:
hey dad. um violet here. I'm 13 now. there was a lot I wanted to tell you, but I didn't know how. after talking to mum , and uncle Mikey, we figured it out. daddy, I'm starting to deal with "girl things". if you know what I mean. I started wearing makeup when I was 12. I have a best friend now daddy. her names Audrey. she's the absolute best. remember the One Direction concert I was going to go to? well they had to postpone it, because Liam got very sick. Liam left daddy. mummy said Liam's with you. I started calling the 1d boys my uncles too. uncle cal and aunt alexia have two kids now. Audrey and I babysit them once a week. We really have fun with them. mummy had a baby a few months ago. we named him Ashton for you daddy. Mikey has a girlfriend now. her name's olivia. she's really sweet. uncle Mikey never forgets about me, even with Olivia. uncle Luke got back together with daisy. we were all super happy about that. sometimes aunt alexia, mummy, olivia, daisy , and I have a girls night. we all miss you a lot daddy. I love you so much. please come back to me daddy. -violet

dear daddy : Ashton Irwin Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant