! 15 Facts !

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Alright, here we go. I was nominated by Fangirl_storiezz and I don't know many people on here so whoever reads this is nominatedddd

1. I'm going to be a senior in high school, and I've had this acc for a couple months. I know I'm probably older than a couple of my readers but oh well! Hobbies are hobbies.

2. I read manga first, one called Azu Manga Daioh, and then got into anime from there. My first anime was death note in 6th grade. I didn't watch anime for a couple of years until sophomore year and then I got into it again.

3. Going to comic con for the first time this year! Dressing up as Morgiana from Magi!!

4. I'm currently watching Attack on Titan for the first time and also Kiznaiver. Both are really good!!

5. Fruits Basket the Manga is probably the best thing to happen in this earth.

6. I don't have many friends who like anime. Just a couple who are gradually getting out of it.


8. Fairy Tail is probably my favorite anime. Jerza is my favorite ship in the history of ships.

9. I ship Jerza, Gale, and Gruvia. However, I'm not sure if Natsu and Lucy should be friends or something more.

10. In Future Diary, I'm #teamakise

11. My anime crushes consist of Jellal, Judar, Izaya, Karma, Shuu Sakamaki, Black/will macbeth/king of despair and Kyo.

12. I'm the craziest one in my group of friends, always loud and dancing really badly, because it's so fun to just let yourself go with people you're close to.

13. One day, I'm going to plan my house, and make it one of the most unique buildings on the planet!

14. I'm way into alternative music. Linkin Park, Tonight Alive, Get Scared and Set it Off are some of my favorites

15. I'm thinking about writing a book one day, like a horror/mystery with a game-like setting to it. Kind of like Danganronpa!

That's it! Be sure to check out my other works thank yaaaa.

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