chapter 2

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Lottys pov


"So class, today we are starting a new topic you and partner will have to create a four page essay on anything that you feel strong about.... blah..blah...blah"

Shit I have clue what I'm going to do it on and who with; none of my friends are in this class.

I glance up to see miss has lip stick on her teeth I don't why, but today for some unknown reason I find this hilarious! I suddenly burst into laughter.

"Lotty would you care to share what is so funny with the rest of the class?"
Shit... before I could say something, someone shouts out
"Sorry, miss I was telling lotty a joke"
I turn to my left to see zayn!
First of all he knows my name (FUCK!)
Secondly he is helping me??
He Turns to me a winks, I feel the blush on my cheeks and I can see he sees it , he chuckles and turn back to facing miss.

"As you too seem very close you can do the project together!"

Inside I'm screaming!!!

Outside I turn to zayn...

He smiles and agrees with miss and I quote he said "sounds like a great idea!"

For the rest of the lesson I didn't pay much attention all I could think about was this project with zayn...


The Bell rang signaling the end of the first period,  I quickly gathered up all my belongings and began to walk out the class, I was about to reach the door when I heard someone calling my

"Lotty, hey wait up!" There I saw zayn running up to me still waving his hands in there even though he had my attention.

"hey" I stuttered we had never really talked before and this was a bit scary.

"Hi... well... well what I'm trying to say is ...."

Will you go out with me!!!!!
Shut up mind !!

"...After what outside the gates for me"

What?FUCK? !!!!!


"The project silly!" He said as he walked off, fuck you brain fuck you!

I felt the embrassment rising up to my cheeks even though he already left! Quickly I fixed the strap on my bag and walked to my locker.i was about to but my key in when..


A tanned slim hand slapped my locker trying to get my attention, I turned to see Britney and her two besties, great!
They have bullied me since the beginning of school and my friends only know of one time they hurt me but they don't know it happens everyday, I would tell them but I know they would over react.

"Hi lotty sweetheart wanna know a fact?" She said getting closer "if you don't stay away from zayn I will rip out your hair and make you eat it!"she gripped my pony tail and with the other hand slapped me across the face, I could already feel the blood coming from nose and lip.She then giggled before pushing me over into the back if the locker.I felt a sharp rising pain in my back, my nose and lip were throbbing and i could feel hot tears starting to stain my cheeks.

"Don't cry lotty!"she laughed and walked of, somehow I manged to walk to the toliets and started to clean myself up.I was 10 minutes late for class a would get a after school detention for sure.

As I was walking out the toliets, I saw zayn waiting outside, I wonder why?
"Hey, lotty are ok?"
"Yeah fine, just got into a bit of trouble" he knew what happened so there was no point of explaining.

"What are you doing here anyway?"I said trying to change the subject.

"Waiting for you"he said looking down
"Oh" that's all I could say it shocked ME, it seemed as if he cared.
"Well, we are both late for class so let's just skip"he said as he rested his arm of my shoulder.

"Umm I dunno. .."I had never missed lesson before.

before I had

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2016 ⏰

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