Chapter 1

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The Start

My memories are shattered....broken...they always were right from the beginning. My mom said she found me walking aimlessly on the side of the road when I was only 13. She insisted to my father that they take me home. I don't have any memory of before. When I try to even think of my past my head begins to hurt and I pass out.
My "parents" take me to doctors to figure out anything, but they all same I am in perfect health. What was really strange was that out of all natural hair colors mine turned out to be pink. Doctors were amazed by the fact it was pink. I told them i wasn't sure about it myself.
Everyone asked me many questions but I was only able to answer one. My name. Sakura Haruno. Anything else they asked was a blur. Just my name. It was precious to me. The only thing I ever called mine. The only thing that made me feel like I was alive.
The life I had scared me. These people were stange. I felt different. An outcast. I didn't feel really different until that one day....the day it happened.
It was a year later I knew I was different. I was put in what they called "middle school". Kids made fun of me. I felt so alone. All I was ever known as was freak, pinky, and forehead. I wold just ignore all of them. But the day came when I couldn't anymore.
"Hey weirdo!"
Foot steps.
"Did you hear me calling you? What are you? Deaf?"
I stopped and turned to look over my shoulder.
A girl about as tall as my 5'4 stoowith two other girls. Her long red curling locks hung around her face in firey passion. Her brown eyes fierce and mocking.
"So forehead, tell me why is it you are the center of attention?"
I just stood there staring. She didn't like the fact that I stayed quiet. She growled, came up to me picking me up by the collar of my shirt.
"Drop the cool act! Nobody is impressed. Want to know the reason why? Your hair. Your long pink hair that is supposively natural? You're a fake." The girl smirked.
I just stared at her. I know I'm a freak why would you tell me over and over...
I continued to stay quiet. The red head began shaking me.
"What's so special about a loser like you, huh? Before you got here, I was the centerpiece! I was the main attraction!"
I finally spoke.
"What is so special about being the centerpiece? The people you think adore you actual hate you and will always hate you for being such a brat."
The girl got angrier. "You've got to be joking. She speaks! And for your information, I was adored. Still adored. Now you're gonna pay."
She threw me to the ground and before she could kick me someone stepped in the way.
"Mira? What do you think you are doing." The cruel red head demanded.
I looked up at a girl with platnium blond hair that flowed down her back. She stood in front of me with her arms stretched out.
"You should be ashamed of yourself Misaki. What did she ever do to you?"
Misaki snorted, "Please her existence is what she has done to me. She doesn't belong here. And how dare you side with her!"
I laid on the ground stunned. This girl...Mira-is she protecting me? Why? Why would she even...?
"She belongs here just like everyone else! What's so wrong with being different? She can be whoever she wants to be."
"You're a loser just like her. If you want to be treated like a dog then I'll happily treat you like one." Misaki came and punched Mira right in the face. Mira fell to the side and coughed blood. Misaki continued to hit her over and over.
I started to cry. Why would she stand up for someone like me? She is getting beat up over me and it's all my fault. I wouldn't mind getting beat up. If it would mean keeping others safe I wouldn't care. But now as i watch her getting makes me angry.
I clench my fists as I push myself off the ground. I felt some strange feeling course inside of me. Flowing into my fists. I slowly walked over to where Misaki continued to hit Mira. I put my hand on her shoulder.
She turns her head towards me.
"What the hell? Who said youcould touch me-"
I slammed my fist into her face making her fly a few feet away. She coughed and lifted her head.
"Wh-what are you?"
I stared her down as if I could see into her soul.
"A freak." I slammed my fist into the ground in front of me creating the Earth to part ways. Misaki screamed in terror and she left being followed by her henchmen.
I breathed deeply and looked at A broken Mira. She was bloodied and her eyes wide. I turned my head away.
"I'm so sorry." I started to walk away.
"Sakura, wait!" I stopped and turned. Mira was slowly getting to her feet holding her side.
"I just-you shouldn't have to face jerks like them alone. And what you just did...are you like...are you some sort of super human?" She got out.
I stared at her. "I'm not sure it just happened. And being alone isn't so bad. It keeps people like you from being hurt."
"People like me? Hahaha! Ouch, yeah don't make me laugh. Sakura, you need friends to help you. You can't just be alone forever."
"Friends? Who would want to be friends with a freak like me?"
Mira smiled. "Someone like me. I've been watching you, and being different isn't so bad. It's just you being you. That is what makes you special."
I felt my eyes widen and tears falling from my face.
"I-thank you, Mira."

That day made me happy. I made my first friend, Mira. After that day we were inseperable. She accepted me for who I was. And that made me feel better than I have been. I wasn't alone anymore. The years went by and everything was normal. Except for the fact I had a strange power I don't even know how to control. I tried to practice in the woods far away from my home. Everything seemed okay. And then my 17th birthday came. My world turned upside down and my adventure began.

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