Chapter 2

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Mabel's P.O.V
(I should probably tell you that Mabel has the rift) (rift from weirdmagedon). While Dipper and i were falling, the rift fell from my pocket i think some of the stuff inside the rift came out. I noticed that someting strange happened. we had some how landed on the bottom of the bottomless pit. Our fall was coushined by a bed of flowers. "this is strange. well there's a tunnel at the end of the corridor." Dipper said to me. He started walking to da tunnel and I followed him. At the end of the tunnel there was a little flower in the middle of the room. "Howdy" the flower said "My name is Flowey. Flowey the flower."continued Flowey. Flowey asked us if we were new to the underground and we replied yes. "Well someone oughta teach you how things work down here. I guess little ol me will have to do." he said to us sounding a little like Gideon. After he said that the area became black and white and My body and Dipper's were replaced with colored hearts. there was also four buttons in front of us labeled FIGHT, ACT, ITEM, MERCY. "See that heart. That is the very culmination of your being." I heard Flowey say."You can move it around." Flowey continues "If you want to get strong you must gain a lot of LV." I responded saying what's LV stand for. "Why LOVE of course. you wnt some LOVE don't you?" I looked at dipper and he looked concerned. Flowey continued saying "Down here LOVE is shared through little tiny "friendliness pellets". Go ahead catch as many as you can.". I said ok but then dipper said "I don't think we should trust this.". I looked at dipper and told him its fine but then the pellets hit me and struck me down.
THE END OF CHAPTER 2 Art was by dove i think. (if you know who drew it plz tell me)

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