Chapter 1- GG and the Crystal

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Mieka Asaruri was often called GG by most people because of her love of the Pokemon Giratina. The long silver haired golden eyed teen was the red target for bullies. She was in High School, and was a social outcast. Her best friends J, KC, and Lola all were too busy to hangout with her, with studies and all, so she hung out with her Pokemon Y game."Hey GG!" Somebody called down the dorms at her."What?" She said as she saw KC waving at her frantically as she ran down the hallway."Wanna walk to the buses with me?" KC said as she breathed heavily."Um, sure. I'll just let you catch your breath before we leave." They walked down the sidewalk to the buses, but something caught GG's eye."Hey, you go on without me KC. I gotta check something out." She called out to her friend, who was already about 6 feet ahead of her. She rooted around in the bushes until something glimmered and she grasped it in her palm. 'A Griseous Orb?' GG thought because the stone had similar color and shape to her favorite Pokemon's orb."Crap, I better get to my bus before they leave me." She muttered as she dashed down the sidewalk, the orb clasped tightly in her right palm. The bus ride was short and she hopped off at her stop as KC waved bye to her. Waving she walked down the street to her house. As she approached the home, her worst nightmares had unfolded before her. Orange licks of flame gnawing at the cedar built home, while blue flames tore away the foundation. She fell to her knees and buried her head in her hands. "Why...? Why did this happen to me...?" GG sobbed and clenched her fists and screamed at the sky "What did I do to deserve this misery?!?" Firefighters arrived and put the sobbing girl in an ambulance to treat her for smoke inhalation. She sat in the ambulance, her eyes dark. Not from sadness, but from pure anger and rage. She promised herself one thing.

"I will KILL whoever did this.."

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