Les Yeux Rouge

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My French is a little rusty, but what I've written should be correct; just like Alec, I've taken two years of French. However, I am not an expert. So, if you find any grammar mistakes then please let me know.

Also, their conversations will be written in the informal text since Alec is only three years her senior.

"Bonne idée." -Good idea.

"Il fait froid aujourd'hui, eh? Est-ce que tu veux venir à chez-moi? Je puex fait du chocolate chaud, peut-être." -It's cold today, huh? Do you want to come to my house? I can make some hot chocolate, perhaps.

"Quelque chose est arrivé à Thomas, Stephanie." Something happened to Thomas, Stephanie.

"Je suis--" très bien? "--Je suis mal, maintenant." -I am (very well?) I not doing okay right now.

"Alec? Alec! Salut mon petit cochon!" -Hi my little pig! "Comment ça va? Où est ta famille?" -How's it going? Where's your family?

Elle est née à San Diego originalement, mais quand elle a vignt-cinq ans, Stephanie est venu ici sur Phoenix, Arizona. -She was originally born in San Diego, but when she was 25, Stephanie came here to Phoenix, Arizona.


"Due to the information you have given to me and the evidence provided prior to this discussion, I am able to charge you with child neglect, therefore taking away your parenting license as well and--wait! Mr. Sinew, please!"

Alec pushes past the beta to get access to the doorknob. He doesn't look back once, slamming the door in her face and jogging to the elevator to make his escape. Thankfully the carriage is empty, giving him some space to breathe, to confess his sins, and cry some more.

But as the he starts to calm, Alec notices some scary things.


Perhaps it is madness that has driven them to this point; sarcasm can only meld so comfortably at the hint of a serious tone, enough to drive each other over the edge with little to hang on to but each other. Strings, which used to hold them together have been cut. But withered, Velcro straps worn over time allow a temporary embrace. It is not their relationship that has been blown to the wind, but themselves.

Are you breathing underwater?


He is alone, abandoned, without family, cold. Bum bum bum, pounds his heart; a caterpillar patiently eats its way to the bone, past his ribcage, wraps its black prayers around the organ.

It squeezes.

He feels as if he could purge, he feels as if he can scream. It's choking him, the caterpillar. He can't breathe.

Start making calls. Find an apartment. I will start a new life, damn myself to Hell.

Down three floors; one nurse joins him at the second. Beautiful; soft curls, brown; small head, long neck; brown eyes; beta. She smiles to Alec, unaware of the gory turmoil inside his chest. Ah, but is this turmoil? Is Alec suffering?

Are you transforming? Do you plan to make a chrysalis, little caterpillar?

The omega remembers his manners. He offers a soft smile, though it seems forced, painful; faint trails of tear tracks stain his cheeks, drying into a chalky white. "Lobby?" Alec asks, voice strangely dead of emotion though they are as plain as day on his face.

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