Part 1

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The sun set behind the hilltop and for a moment; just a moment the world was set ablaze in its radiant and dying light. A momentary flash of brightness then a world of black and it was as if the whole ordeal had never occurred. The sun had never existed and all was dark.

In the middle of the valley between the overlying hills lay two lone figures. Two forms; one broken in body and the other whole. One broken in spirit and the other was dying. Simply dying, and in that moment there was nothing more.

Blood stained the grass around them and the air was fogged with warm breaths almost like an afterthought. The stars began to form their endless patterns in the canvas which was the night sky. The moon was only half full but it cast illumination over the field.

A boy lay on the ground who couldn’t have been more than seventeen and his chest was torn open with multiple slashing marks. But they were all shallow. The main issue was a single wound which was very deep. So deep that the blood flowed freely and the boy who knelt beside him was useless in his attempt to stop the flow. It coated everything and masked every other scent in the air with its rusty tang.

 His dark hair was in a tangle and those green eyes were dimming by the moment. The scraps of an orange t-shirt was all that was left on his bare chest besides the multiple wounds. A bronze sword lay lonesome and forgotten a few feet away from the scene and its hilt was covered in the same rusty color.

Percy Jackson had been that infuriating hero type he had always insisted on and now he was dying. His cheeks weren’t flush with life anymore and instead they were a dull pallor that was not unlike the ghosts that Nico had seen before. Nico di Angelo was an expert in death and he knew that Percy’s time was just about up.

Yet unlike his usual self; he refused to accept the fact that was death. He refused to admit that for the millionth time, his father would win.

The hell hounds had come moments after Nico had made his confession. He had finally admitted to loving someone and immediately after before Percy could respond; a dark shape had come hurtling from who knows where and it had gone straight for Nico’s throat.

Annoying as ever; Percy had jumped in the way at the last second and the claws had torn into him instead. Because of the height difference he had just been spared an instant murder but he was still dying and there was nothing that Nico could do about it. They had no nectar or ambrosia and he was far from a healer.

His hair hung in his eyes as Nico felt the weight of this impossible situation settle on his chest. He gritted his teeth together as he shut his eyes tightly. Tears were flowing freely down his face and he somehow couldn’t make them stop.

Percy’s gaze was growing more and more distant and he coughed. The effort shook his entire body and he flinched; giving Nico an apologetic look. “I’m sorry. It wasn’t supposed to end this way. I was supposed to reply that I loved you too and we were supposed to be happy. I’m so sorry Nico.”

Nico felt his entire body still. His throat ached and he almost smiled. “You love me?” His voice broke.

“Of course.” He laughed a little. “I’ve loved you for so long Nico. I just don’t think that I was able to admit it to myself before. You know me; I just get a little stuck sometimes.” He raised a blood slicked hand to touch Nico’s cheek gently.

Nico leaned into the touch was struck with worry at how cold it was. Percy was dying quickly now. He looked down and his eyes were wide as he felt the familiar childhood fear of being alone. He couldn’t stand it but that was the thing that scared him the most. It was no longer love. It was losing the ones that he had grown to love. He had already lost Hazel and Bianca and now it would be Percy as well. The fates really were cruel.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2013 ⏰

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