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John fixed his tie,"It's gonna be another GREAT day at work!"
He walked down the stairs and saw his beautiful girlfriend and 3 step-kids.
"Good morning Angel!"He pecked her cheek.She smiled and put some toast on a plate for Jaxon,Kinley,and Kealey.
They all smiled,"Thank you mommy!"
She gave each of them a kiss,"Okay,Well you guys better go get ready.I'll help you guys fix your hair when you're done.Kealey,you have a play date with Lucy so please get ready..And you guys get your backpacks ready."
They ran to their rooms
John poured himself a cup of coffee.
"I have a feeling they don't like me."
Zatanna chuckled and sat down next to him,"They like you,John..Their just not over me and Dick's divorce,that's all..Pretty soon they'll be calling you Dad instead of John."
He sighed,"Oh I hope."
She smiled,"You have a good day at work.I'm going to help the kids."
She walked up the stairs and John walked out of the door and into his car.
He worked as a Professor at a nearby high school .

He walked inside of his classroom and saw all of his students,"Good day kids!"
Some commented about 'kids' and some replied.
"Okay turn to page 267 in your textbook,please."
A guy raised his hand,"Mr.Constantine?"
John looked away from the marker board and to the guy,"Yes Kevin?"
He shyly rubbed his arm,"I left my textbook in my locker,may I go get it please?"
John nodded,"Yes sir but hurry."
Kevin rushed out of the room and into the hall.
-----------End of school day--------------
John walked into his house,"Honey,I'm home!"
Zatanna was on the couch with the kids,"Hey."
She turned to her kids,"Say hello to dad."
Kinley crossed her arms,"He's not our dad!"
Kealey was only 4.She nodded,"When are we gunna see daddy?"
Zatanna sighed,"Soon."
Jaxon turned to his little sisters,"She means never."
The kids all frowned and looked down.
It's been almost 2 years since they had seen their dad..Zatanna and John have been dating for almost 11 months.
John went upstairs and put his stack of papers he had to grade on his desk.
He started to grade the papers until his phone dinged.

Facebook:You have a new follower.

He quickly threw his pen on the table and opened his phone to Facebook.
He clicked on friends and saw the name.
Dick Grayson
He bit his lip and accepted it.
He had to tell him that his kids wanted to see him.He knew their was no turning back if he asked.
He sighed,"It's best for the kids."
He quickly went to messages and messaged him.

You:Hi!Im John Constantine..Your ex-wife's boyfriend.

Dick Grayson:I know

You:Well um I texted you to tell you that your kids really miss you.And I'd like to invite you to my house.

Dick Grayson:Okay..Where the hell do you live?

You:Um,I live in San Fransisco.

Dick Grayson:I'm flying in tomorrow.

John knew he made a mistake..

You:Okay I'll see you then!

He then ran downstairs,"Guess who's coming over tomorrow?"
Zatanna closed her eyes,"Please don't say one of your high school friends."
John nervously laughed,"Haha!No,no!I just invited Dick Grayson over!"
The kids all gasped,"DADDY!!"
Zatanna's mouth dropped,"WHAT?!"
He backed up a step,"What?I told him that you guys missed him and I asked him if he would like to and he said yes!Win win!Its the only way the kids will EVER start liking me!"
Zatanna sighed,"I'll get the house ready."
The kids were all jumping,"DADDYS COMING!DADDYS COMING!"
Zatanna laid back in the bed,"You made a big mistake."
John finished grading the papers and put them back into the envelope,"It's the only way,Zatanna."
She sighed,"The only way for the kids to not like you at all.Theyll be falling for Dick!"
Zatanna had divorced him because he was a smart elec and always wanted to go and do something..She didn't like that so she quickly ended her marriage.
He smirked and shook his head,"Trust me,They'll love me by the time he leaves."
He then laid back into his bed,"Goodnight Zatanna."
She turned off her lamp,"Night."


John looked at his phone,"Okay!Your father should be at the airport in 30 minuets!I will go pick him up!"
The kids all smiled and screamed.
Jaxon wasn't seen..
Then Kealey gasped,"Oh I wememba now!Jacon is upset because he has his furst cruwsh and his best fwiend is dating hurh!"Kinley said as Zatanna frowned,"Oh,I'll go help-"
Kealey shook her head,"He onwy wants John."
John felt like his heart just opened,"Really?I-I mean..Sure!"
He marched proudly up to the 7 year olds room.Of course,his REAL father all ready told him about a lot of the stuff adults know,so he's sex-smart.
And he's normally smart.Very smart,Just like his REAL father.

John knocked on the door,"Jax,Can I come in?"
Jaxon opened the door,"My crush likes Timmy!"
John sat next to him on the bed."Hey,It's okay!When I found out that my crush in 11th grade was cheating on me I felt the same way!"
John looked up at him,"B-But how was she cheating on you if you guys weren't even dating?"
John titled his head,"That's the sad part."
Jax looked out of his window,"I want dads advice..Yours is like a dying cows"
John smiled sadly,"I will take that as a compliment."
Jaxon gapsed,"OH MY GAWSH DADDYS HOME!!"

He ran down the stairs and started to yell and dance around.
John slowly made his way down the stairs and heard the doorbell ring.
He ran down them,"I've got it kids."
Jaxon crossed his arms,"You're not our dad."
John opened the door.
Dick crossed his arms

Dick crossed his arms

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"So you're John..God you look even stupider than you are."
He pushed passed him as all the kids ran to him,"DADDY!!
Dick opened his hands wide and engulfed the 3 in a giant hug,"Hi guys!"
He let go and saw Zatanna standing there with her arms crossed.
"Still as beautiful as I remember."
He walked up to her,"So I don't get a hug?" She huffed,"Dick.."
He kissed her hand,"Remember who divorced who now.."
She blushed.She remembered the feeling when he gave her 3 beautiful children..Maybe she really wasn't over him..
"And then theirs this man..Constantine,you look like a gay teacher."
Zatanna hit Dick in the arm,"I think he looks like a gentleman,unlike you who looks like a thug!"
Dick shrugged,"I am the richest man in San Fransisco..Anyway,kids,my buddy Wallace is hooking you up..Kealey,I got
you something you've always wanted."
Kealey screamed,"Thank you daddy!!I wanna know what it is!"
He shrugged,"You'll have to see."
Zatanna rolled her eyes,"Wallace?You mean Wally?Wally and Linda?Oh dear god I remember him..He used to hook up with Artemis...But she's with Roy.."
Dick walked up to her and kissed her cheek,"Bingo."
John felt like he made a big mistake..Bigger than big,Huge mistake..

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