Big brother

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Ya know, sometimes Lucas is a really good big brother. Other times, he's just your normal pain in the ass big brother 😂
Here is an example of good big brother-
"No one loves you, Luca never loved you, Lucas never loved you, Sammie doesn't love you, they're all liars, they all secretly hate you. They never loved you, ever" (What bullies say)

"Everyone loves you, Luca always loved you, Lucas always loved you, Sammie has always loved you. They're being truthful. They all secretly love you so very very much. They've always love you. Always" -Lucas (what Lucas thinks they really mean)

Here's an example of pain in the ass big brother-

Here's an example of pain in the ass big brother-

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Lucas-is-Awesome 😂😂 Love you Lucas!

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Lucas-is-Awesome 😂😂 Love you Lucas!

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