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I woke up and check the time and it's 5:40 I decided that I will stay up I got ready and put on all black outfit and I ate breakfast and I put on my coat and I open the door and look up to the sky the news said it was gonna pour but it isn't so why even bother to take an umbrella

I walk out off my house and I walk to school by my own short cut then I stop and decided to watch the sunrise on a bridge that I use to get to school and no one uses this path so it's perfect I watch the sunrise and check the time wow 6:20 already

I put my phone away and continue to walk to school the gates weren't open so I jump over them and I made it to my class and sat there until class was ready I unlock the door so the other students could come in 7:30 30 minutes left and no one has come yet even the teacher

I close my eyes and then someone hit my head and I quickly check who did that and it was my teacher "(y/n) don't fall asleep when I'm teaching ok now" I shook my head yes and pay attention to the lesson then the teacher said work in groups and right away every one got to a group and I was left alone

"Hello" I heard then I look up I saw a guy in front of my green hair and yellow eyes I look around to see if he was talking to someone else "hey silly I'm talking to you lets work together" I gave him a blank expression "no thanks find someone else I already know your friends told you to ask me" I put on my hood and work

"Hey don't be like that I just saw you alone and decided to work with yo-" I stand up and walk away and the final bell rang so I ran and I was the first one to get out off school I decided to got to the mall to buy some clothes and some food to eat right now and for home

I when inside Hot Topic and saw big flannel shirt and bought some and I left the store and I walk in to some place that only sell men's clothing and I walk in there and look for some clothes and I bought some boots and I decided to got to the food court to buy sandwich or something

I found a seat and sat down and ate my food and I look around and saw a group from school here and I saw the green hair guy I fake that I wasn't looking at them and I saw him looking at me and I saw him talking to his friends for a bit and he started to walk to me I got up and ran out of the mall and finally found a park and stay there

It was lonely and I decided to be one the swings I sat there and look at the sky and saw how pretty it was I was still looking at the sky until someone push me and I was up in the air I jump off it and got my things quickly and I was about to run until a hand grab me

"Wow you can run pretty fast" I look up and saw the green hair guy again "hey aren't you gonna talk to me" I got out my phone and show it to him "leave me alone and stop following me ok" "HAHAHA I'm not following you I just want to talk to yo-" "I hate talking to people now leave me alone"

I saw him there looking at me and he took out a piece of paper I took it and look at it and it was his number "I'm Leafy" I kept on looking at the paper and I crumble it up and threw it at his face and ran "W-Wait I just want to be friends with you!" I just kept on running and finally made it to my apt

Friends lies I have friends once but they started to cut me

I don't want any

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