Part 1

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"911, what's your emergency?"

"I have two gun shot victims and the perk here at the Hollywood studio. I need the police and paramedics!" the director said before hanging up and leaning over you and Zac attempting to help like many others while Austin was being lock away by security.

Turning your head away from the craziness making a fuss over you, Zac's pain filled eyes appear in your view. Unlike you he was shot in the ribs, where your bolt rested in neck.

"Vanessa, Vanessa," you heard as you started to breathe heavier and heavier. "Does anyone know CPR?"

Zac's hand reached for yours but didn't grasp your until you opened your eyes, laying in a hospital bed and now dressed in a thin blue gown.

"I thought I lost you," Zac said looking at you.

"You had us both scared. Mr. Zac Efron you were lucky enough to just of have a collapse lung and the paramedics fix it before transport but tests are still to be done. However, Vanessa Anne Hudgens when you were shot the bolt cut off your air supply, we had to do emergency surgery because of the amount of oxygen cut off from your organs, especially your brain."

"I will let you rest but a nurse will be in to check up on you," a blond haired doctor said before wrapping her stethoscope around her neck and walking out.

Meant to be (Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens) We Still Need Each Other sequelWhere stories live. Discover now