black hole

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black hole
1. a region of space having a gravitational field so intense that no matter or radiation can escape.

sometimes she'd forget that space wasn't all beauty.

there's always something bad hidden discreetly in something beautiful.

like a black hole, who always wanted more and more.

she compared herself to it, in some ways.

sometimes she'd let her thoughts overpower her logic and she'd let herself believe things that she'd usually push off to the side.

she'd crouch in the corner of her room and hug her knees close to her chest as she let her fears become real in her head.

sometimes she wouldn't be able to move while she's in that state. it's as if her own mind has locked itself in this nightmare and there's no way out. her room would become a place of caution as the tears that glided down her face made booming sounds as it collided with the floor.

her mind was the vacuum that was sucking her into the darkness she called her imagination.

sometimes it would get so bad to the point where she would scream and claw at her skin and pull her hair out because there's nothing else she can do to get out. to cry for help. to tell someone that she's scared.

scared of herself.

but there were some days she would be completely blank.

where she would get lost in her mind, not in a good way but not necessarily in a bad way, and she'd have absolutely no thoughts in her mind.


like a blank canvas that had no artist that wanted to paint it.

so sometimes she was like space. 

but space was littered with beautiful things. stars. moons. galaxies. planets. human life. (extraterrestrial life? she wonders if this will ever be true.)

she had those things, too.


he was the stars that were scattered all over her darkness, pulling her out of it and telling her she's beautiful and that everything's going to be okay.

he was the moon that accompanied her everywhere she went. by her side when she needs and doesn't need him.

he was the galaxy that held more in it. he always had more to offer to her and surprises she couldn't wait to find.

he was the planet that declared her as his sun, orbiting around her like she's the center of his world.

he was her life. 

he was the artist that wanted to paint her.

he was her astronaut in shining armor, ready to save her when she was falling down her black hole.

cosmos | jjkOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora