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"She's darn weird don't you think?"
A girl told her friend as they were looking outside the window. The sun was shining brightly. Its rays oustretched and pierced through the window. No one was outside except a pale-looking girl reading under the school's sole oak tree.
"That's a total understatement!" She's a freak!"
The other girl shrieked in disagreement, " Cole told me he've seen her talking to birds the other day."
"Oh look, Brenna!" The girl continued, pointing her index finger towards the window this time, " She's done it again!"
The pale-looking girl placed her book on her knees, straightened her sitting position, and looked up. Five robins were flying a few feet above her head and sang a friendly little song. The girl smiled and nodded. In a moment, the birds swooped down, grasped on her clothing, and flapped their wings, levitating her as if she's as light as feather.
"D-d-di-di-did you see that, Angie?!" Brenna stammered, her face aghast. Angie remained silent. Her body was stiff and her jaw dropped. She stood still and ... frozen.
As soon as they reached the biggest and strongest branch of the tree, the robin quintet released their grasp gently and the girl went back reading as if nothing had happened. The birds chirped again, bidding farewell. The girl spoke to them in a language foreign to mankind. No one knows for sure what she was saying but it was certain that the birds understood her perfectly. The robin quintet flee back to a tree a few yards away and the girl was back to her own whimsical world of fiction.
The two girls were still frozen. Their faces were as pale as goat cheese. Nothing can be heard but silence until one managed to break the silencing spell,
"Do you think... she's... c-c-cursed?"


Hey, guys! So I finally decided to write in english again after 6 (long) years. I have been thinking about writing this a year ago, but I couldn't really figure how to start the story. So, I decided to forget about writing it. I didn't intend to write it anyway. However, I got really bored in English class last week and I decided to scribble something on my notebook and ... voila! The story was made!

So, tell me what you think about the story (it's just a prologue but I hope it catches your interest), and don't forget to vote if you enjoyed the prologue and want to read more.

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