Chapter 27

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Disclaimer: Song Let Me Try doesn't belong to me. I'm not talented enough to write a song as awesome as that. (Only a Few more Chapters left)

The next day was awkward, we were sitting out by the water, with Nate and Morgan. All of out parents are here. Nate had a pair of sunglasses on, with his hair covering his eyes. He had the new acoustic, tuning it.

Morgan sat beside him, fixing her hair.

Nate's been quiet since him and Morgan had that talk last night, but I think she convinced him to come back to Orlando.

In the end of it all, it's his desisicon. Whether he stays here, or comes back to Orlando, it's all up to him. I'm hoping he comes back to Orlando, but that's me being selfish and not wanting me to lose my best friend to Burbank.

"Any new songs?" Morgan asked him, looking over. 

"Like what?" He asked.

"You've been alone in LA for 2 an a half weeks, I'm sure you've wrote some kind of song." I say.

He looked at me, playing the chord progression for Dawn of The Third Day, thinking for a moment.

He looked at Morgan, then silently played the chorus to the same song.

His father looked him over. "I'm interested to hear what you can do."

He looked over then sighed, before playing some chords I've never actually heard. They sound familliar, but I couldn't recall what it was.

"You and I, we both know well, I couldn't do this by myself. And every day it's all the same, You picked me up when down I fell. But I'm still standing through and through, I know exactly what to do. I'll give it everything I got, Although I'm not stronger than you."

"But I'll be your shield I can be your lion, I'll dry your eyes if I see you cryin'. Believe in me, And I won't let you down."

"But now we've come so far. I know just who we are, And we shine brighter than any gem, Between us and the sun. Now it's just you and me, Like it was meant to be. And I'll protect you I'll defend you, If you let me try. We'll stay together now and forever, Just let me try." 

He stopped for a moment, playing some more chords.

"You and I yeah we both know, We couldn't do this on our own. You say you're fighting for my mother, But won't see how much I've grown. But I can't believe everything that I'm told. I'll fight until the end while I'm young and when I'm old."

"But I'll be your shield I can be your lion, I'll dry your eyes if I see you cryin'. Believe in me, And I won't let you down."

"But now we've come so far, I know just who we are. And we shine brighter than any gem, Between us and the sun. Now it's just you and me, Like it was meant to be. And I'll protect you I'll defend you, If you let me try. We'll stay together now and forever, Just let me try."

"Stay with me, Fight with me, Victory's abound. Now we've got this, You can't stop us, And I won't let you down. I know you never asked to be made."

Something made him stop, but after a minute he continued.

"But now we've come so far, I know just who we are. And we shine brighter than any gem, Between us and the sun. Now it's just you and me, Like it was meant to be. And I'll protect you I'll defend you, If you let me try. We'll stay together now and forever, Just let me try."

Morgan looked at him, as everyone else did. "You wrote that while you were here?" She asked.

"I started writing it in Orlando, and I finished it last night." He told her, moving his hair away from his eyes. "It's nothing special," He added.

"I think it's good." I say to him, as he looked at me.

"Thanks." He answered me, looking at Morgan before looking away.

"This kid will be big one day," his father said outloud making Nate look away, before removing the guitar off his lap.

Tomorrow, we leave for Orlando. Tomorrow is going to be the worst day ever. Tomorrow is the day, Nate decides who he is staying with.

Buried Sadness (NateWantsToBattle, MorganWant & Dookieshed)Where stories live. Discover now