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I woke up the next morning, as expected, alone. I crawled out of bed, but stopped in place when I noticed a small note sticking out from under my roses. Expecting it to be from Brendon, I pulled it out. It was from Spencer. 

Basically, Spencer was my new butler. Thank God. I couldn't deal with a pervert like Dallon being so close to me. I tucked the note into drawer of my bedside table and walked over to my dresser, pulling out the loungish outfit set out for me.

As I pulled the shirt over my torso, I heard my window popped open, and spun around in confusion. Only to smile giddly. Brendon. 

"That wasn't very subtle." I teased, buttoning my shirt up. Brendon flopped onto my floor with a grunt, then began army crawling away from the window. When he reached my feet and looked up at me, smiling cheekily. 

"If you haven't noticed, I'm not the most graceful person." he replied, getting to his feet. He brushed himself off, watching as I continued getting dressed. He turned his head awkwardly as I pulled my pants on, hopping on one foot at a time as I did so. 

"Oh, I've noticed." I murmured back, playfully pushing him towards the shower. He quickly got the memo and starting taking his shirt off. Quickly, I slammed the bathroom door shut, turning to lean back against it. 

My heart was beating wildly. Yes, this is only the second time I've met him, but damn, he was attractive. I couldn't stand by and think about him, I needed to get him clothes. I quickly bound over to my dresser, pulling out a nicer white shirt and a brown vest to go with it. 

Then, I pulled out some black skinny jeans, and slid a bowtie off the top of my dresser. With that, I waited to hear him fumble around in the shower before opening the door and slipping the clothes onto the counter, then shutting it again. 

Breakfast. I hadn't eaten anything yesterday, at least, I didn't recall eating anything lately. My stomach was growling rather loudly. So I slipped on my fuzzy white slippers and pushed my way out of my room, and took a hike down to the dining room. 


Breakfast was okay, it wasn't my favorite, but Mom had noticed how terribly skinny I was and forced me to stay seated until I ate. Its not like I was trying to starve myself, food just..is pushed aside when it comes to responsibilities. I did mange to, however, sneak a napkin full of bacon up to my room. 

When I got back too my room, Brendon was admiring himself in the mirror beside my walk in closet. I guess my abrupt burst in must've startled him, he jumped when I walked in, and jumped for my bed. I snorted. 

"Brendon, its just me, I brought you a treat." I spoke up. At the sound of 'treat' he perked his head up from behind my bed, smiling. With that, he heaved himself to sit criss crossed on my bed. I shut and locked my door, walking over to crawl on my bed as well. 

"Why did you grab me something so fancy?" He spoke up as I passed him the napkin full of bacon. I shrugged. 

"I thought you'd look cute in it. I was right." As soon as the  words fell from my mouth, I went dark red in realization. Did I relly just call him cute?! He raised an eyebrow at me, swallowing a bite of bacon. 

"Cute? Why thank you, but I like to think you're quite cuter than I, Prince." My cheeks began heating up t the compliment. Brendon only smirked, taking another bite of bacon. 

"I, uh-" I stammered, my mind went foggy with embarrassment. Brendon laughed it off while I frowned. I waited for him to finish his bacon before sliding off my bed, starting towards the bathroom. 

"C'mere, Bren." I insisted. It took a moment, but eventually Brendon slid off the bed and followed after me, hesitantly stepping into the bathroom. I followed after him, directing him to sit on the stool in front of the full body mirror. 

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