Chapter One

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Keira Kusunoki was sitting on her couch drinking a cup of coffee while flicking through channels when all of a sudden,a scroll appeared in front of her Television set.She blinked in surprise thinking it was an illusion, but when she opened her eyes,it was still there and she realized it was no dream.She placed her coffee down on the wooden coffee table and walked to grab the scroll with her long tail swishing behind her.


Melina Lockhart had just finished training her latest set of students and was about to return her spell book to the shelf.In the place where she normally kept, a scroll was wedged in between two books.The minute she pulled it out,the distinct smell on it told her it was from The Great Witch Meryl.She wondered what Meryl wanted with her as she placed her spell book in it's original place and rolled the scroll open;


Thanatos Katrakis had just come back from hunting his latest prey.He had gone straight to the bathroom to wash the grime and blood of him.He came out in a clean with towel and walked to his sink.He immediately spotted the scroll sitting on his counter which had surely not been there minutes ago when he popped in the shower.He sniffed around and shook his head.'No if someone had been in here,he'd have known',he thought.He sniffed it and recognized the scent as someone he knew,but he couldn't place his fingers on who it belonged to.He opened the scroll;

It read,
"A time will come when some of the darkest forces will rise up and unite to take control over the world,
A faction will be put together in the last hopes of saving the world,
Creatures that haven't roamed the world since thousands of years will be released,
Enemies and Allies will be made along the way,
But,care must be taken because in every battle,
There must be traitors."

~Keira Kusunoki ~

Keira frowned in confusion wondering what this had to do with her and was about to close the scroll but then she noticed a note scribbled down in a different font and she realised it was written her native dialet,Japanese. She walked to her couch and took a seat as she read the note.

Keira Kusunoki,
You're probably wondering why you received this scroll and most importantly,who its from.I am Meryl better know as The Great Witch Meryl.This is to inform you that you have been chosen to fight to protect a good cause.You are to fight alongside two others, Thanatos Katrakis and Melina Lockhart.They are great legends,surely you must have heard of them or perhaps met them?.But first,you will journey across different realms and country's to seek the Traveler.The Traveler is the one who will guide and fight alongside you three in the days to come.

Keira had completely abandoned her cup of coffee and was contemplating,because she didn't know what to make of the note when her land line rang,

"Hello?",she answered in clear English.


Melina read the note and continued straight on to the note scribbled at the bottom of the scroll that she hadn't failed to notice when she had first opened the scroll.

Melina Lockhart,
You're probably wondering why you received this scroll and most importantly,who its from.I am Meryl better know as The Great Witch Meryl.This is to inform you that you have been chosen to fight to protect a good cause.You are to fight alongside two others,Keira Kusunoki and Thanatos Katrakis.They are great legends,surely you must have heard of them or perhaps met them?.But first,you will journey across different realms and country's to seek the Traveler.The Traveler is the one who will guide and fight alongside you three in the days to come.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2017 ⏰

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