Chapter 1

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"Promise me..." My best friend Cassidy said ... She paused whilst gulping back tears, "Promise me that you'll ... Y-you'll keep you chin up" she said squeezing me tight as she squinted so that no one would see that she was crying.
"I ... I will" I said, with red eyes and a quivering lip. She released her arms from around my back and gave me one last smile as she walked away with her Mum.

It's now been 2 weeks since ... They um ... They left. I am a wreck.

"How are you doing Tal?" Caleb was walking over.
"Alright" I sniffed.
"It's gonna be alright, I promise." He said whilst hugging.
I wanted to believe him, I really did. I wanted to the world to just put it all back to rights... but I could see the pain in his eyes. And the faint stains of tears on his black blazer, he too had been crying.

Once everyone had left the grave yard, it was just me, my older brother Caleb and my Auntie Bev and Uncle Ste. They were just talking with Caleb before coming to me, so I took my chance to say my final goodbye... I knelt down as close as I could, careful not to squish any flowers. I looked at the big, slate coloured grave stone underneath the oak tree:

In Memory of Robert and Maria Woods.
Selfless Friends, Brilliant Collegues, Caring Neighbors and Amazing Parents.
Fly to Neverland Rob and Maria. Fly.

"You were the best p-parents ever. You were always there, ready to give me a smile or hug or anything I needed. You supported me in E-everything I do. Y-You've inspired me to do great things... I love you... T-Tell the man upstairs to w-watch over our family, y-you must be best friends with him now" I sniff, "I will miss you..." I gently place down the last Daisy of my Mum and Dad's favourite Daisy field; they harvested it the day they died...

I felt a soft arm around my shoulder, "it'll all work out, I promise..." My Auntie Bev whispered down my ear, "I guess we just got to keep swimming..." I smiled a little.

She was right ... But how?


I slowly climbed into my new bed at my Auntie's house. It was only 4:00pm but funerals are always tiring ... Losing someone so close to you ... Forever.
I shut my eyes and unfolded my checked blanket to cover me; wishing that I would wake up and it would all be a dream ...

Two Weeks Earlier...
"I'm taking Ralphie out!" I shouted down the hall to my Mum and Dad,
"Okay Sweetie!" My mum called back whilst baking,
"Have a good time, Hunny Bunch!" My Dad also replied.
Ralphie, our dog, skidded down the pavement into the field where I let him off the lead. He ran around a bit and when i threw the ball, he ran after it straight away as if it was the most important thing in the world.

After about twenty minutes I started to walk back home. There seemed to be a strong smell of smoke as I got nearer to my road. 'It's probably just a BBQ' I reassured myself. But as I approached the corner of my road, Caleb skidded round the corner,
"CALEB?!" I yelled. He smelt of of smoke and had a massive burn on his right forearm, face and down his neck,
"Thalia..." He said, out of breath, "it's mum and dad... There was a fire and .. And there still in there ..." He said looking at me with a broken heart... My heart sunk to my feet,
"the firemen say they are on there way, but ... I think it's too late." He said looking down and distraught...

'Too late' ... Those words stung like a thousand wasps attacking me.
I unconsciously dropped the lead attached to Ralphie, and ran home ... Well, what was left of it.

I saw a glimpse of it through the bushes ...
Tears streamed down my face as I walked towards it.
Smoke was coming out of every crack. Through the window was a blazing fire, it looked as if it was surrounding the kitchen; where my mum and dad were. They were trapped...

The fire engine teared down the road towards the destruction. Closely followed by an ambulance.

"NO! PLEASE NO!" I screamed at the top of my voice. Caleb held me back with an unstoppable force, "THEY'RE STILL IN THERE" tears carried on tearing down my face as Caleb pulled me back...
"The firemen are doing everything they can, Miss." A nurse from the ambulance tried to comfort me but I resisted,
"THEY'RE GONNA DIE IN THERE" I yelled so hard my throat hurt.
I screamed and screamed until I had no voice left. I held on to Caleb's hand and refused to let go... My brown tatty hair flew everywhere in the wind and my makeup had washed off from crying.
The fire seemed to burn forever, the police had come and my auntie and uncle had came over to comfort me and Caleb. But nothing was working...

After about 2hrs, the fire was finally put out. No signs of life appeared to be in what was left of my home. I walked forwards, "Mum? ... Dad?" I croaked.
"Stand back ma'am, we are not sure if it is safe." The ambulance person said, practically pushing me back.

With safety geer on and the hospital beds at the ready, endless policemen/firemen searched the house for life.

I cried into Caleb's T-Shirt, until someone emerged... We both looked up in anticipation.

But no... Life isn't like a Disney movie...

It was a nurse followed by two fireman... Carrying bodies...

I couldn't look...

Everything ached...

Everything tensed...

I wanted to cry forever...

But I felt like I already had...

"Oh sweetie," my Auntie Bev cried, "I'm ... I'm so sorry" she said giving a gentle hug.


Just Why?


I woke up screaming. I was terrified.
'It was just a flashback ... It was just a flashback... It was just a flashback..." ...


(A/N) So how did you like Chapter One1️⃣?

Hello Everyone!👋🏻 Thankyou for reading📖! I hope you enjoyed it👍🏻 Ik its quite emotional😭 and morbid😞 but hopefully it will get better!😄

Let me know in the comment section what you liked!😆

Love you all😚💗

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