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Hey guys. That's right I'm an artist. Not really but anyways, this summer has been really boring so I've tried to art. Although hasn't turned out the best and half my art book had been thrown away out of rage, I decided that whatever I make I'll just put in here in case I do decide to throw it away later.

So my first piece was right when I got my oil pastels and I don't really know what it is but when I made I didn't blend at all so....
Anyways here it is:

I kind of like it kind of don't

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I kind of like it kind of don't. It was my first with oil pastels so yup. Also if you are looking through this right after I posted this first piece, we'll be warned for a lot more and quickly.

Should I do like a signature off? Like


(Ps I kind of like that so I'll keep doing it)

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