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"Ill miss you mom, dad, I'll return
home safely I promise, I love you both so much, don't worry about me".

I take one last look at them, before I open our front door and shut it quietly, not too disturb my sleeping brother.

I walk the five miles too our reservation camp just outside of town, I heard we will be occupying the space until tomorrow morning, when we leave for the Philippine's.

I had some time too ponder what exactly I was getting into, everything starting settling all at once and I wasn't sure if I could handle it without having some sort of panic attack.Then, I thought back on the words I told my parents.

Oh who am I kidding, I didn't believe myself, I was going too die out there.

How is an eighteen year old boy like me
Going too survive a wrathful battlefield in the middle of a perplexing country I've never been too, Hell, I've never even picked up a gun in my life, let alone gazed upon one.

It's not like I had much say in the matter, it's not my fault a few days before the ratification of the treaty, that Emilio Aguinaldo wanted independence over specific changes, something about colonial leaders.

I've just recently turned eighteen, not even two days ago, when my parents told me that they had automatically drafted me too serve over in the  Philippines for two, agonizing years, thanks federal government and selective service  act.

Too be totally honest, I was petrified on what was going to happen out there, bloodshed,famine, and death were something I neglected too ever want to think about. I've never dreamed of being on a battlefield like most boys,
They say "I want to serve and protect our country" but in all honesty

I think that's bullshit.

I get that our country needs too be protected, so we don't end up in some kind of massacre status, but why send literal teenage boys against there will, all I've ever wanted too do was sing, not shoot off an M4 at another person. Now here I am, awaiting my destination with hundreds of other men, awaiting the same "honorable fate" that might come too be.

"Aww you are looking a bit bilious little guy, afraid that pretty little face of yours will get blown off eh?"  The outsized man says, as he strokes my face.

I can't

I am mortified by this action and I begin too turn away, when I run into severely muscular man, who must be a decade older me.

"Hey kid, brake it down there, you are going to be fine"

Wow, for someone who looks as sturdy as this guy, his voice was quite a jolt, very soft and mellow, he made me like everything was going too be okay, that we weren't about to join these men I combat, but we were actually about to head home.

"What's your name son?" The mysterious man asked me.

"P-Pa- Patrick Martin Stump" I shakily answer,  maturely putting out my hand in the process, I wait for a response, but this guy just gives me a cocky expression, like I was a eldritch child. Before I know it, the man lets out a
Soft, yet stentorian laugh.

"Andrew John Hurley, just stick with Andy if you know what's good for you" , he firmly shakes my hand , then folds his arms.

"You look a bit young too be drafted into the army Patrick, with that inimitable face of yours, if figure you'd be about 15" Andy then again lets out  matchless laugh.

" I've just recently turned eighteen" I respond more strapping than my recent stutters.

"Why does everyone keep saying that about my face??? I'm not even that attractive." I say with less of a tone this time around

"That's where your wrong there buddy, you are like a diamond in the middle of a sand dune compared too these guys. I almost feel bad for you, you look too innocent for battle.Hell, you've probably never picked up a gun". The muscular replies, sympathetically.

"You are right, I've never picked up a gun". I reply coldly.

I see Andy open his mouth, ready too come back with probably a flat insult, when he is cut off by a group of whistles and hollers, too get our attention.

"ATTENTION ALL YOU COWARDS" we will be leaving at exactly in 0 eight hundred hours, you better get your rest boys, it's going to be a long two years, longer for some of you. Once we leave, there is no turning back,'if we catch any of your sorry asses trying too leave this campsite in the middle of the night, I WILL NOT HESITATE TO SHOOT YOUR DUMBASS AND SEND YOU TOO THE HOLE, UNDERSTOOD?!!!."

"YES SERGEANT SIR" everyone responded in unison.

"Glad too see you dumbfucks understand, now GO, set up camp" the demanding sergeant demanded.

"Jeez, a little pushy don't you think?"
I respond in a cocky tone.

When all of sudden I get s sharp, painful slap too the face, fuck that's gonna leave a mark.

"Shut your ass shorty, do you want too be sent too the hole? He's out commanding lead sergeant!" Andy replies coldy, then quickly starts setting up his bunk for the night.

Damn, now it's really starting to settle in, I'm not sure if I'm going to be able too sleep tonight, knowing i won't be in the same country tomorrow. I won't see my family,Friends, or Wilmette for years, memories begin too invade my brain and tears begin to flush my eyes.I silently set up my tent as fast as I can so I can get some sleep.

I continue too sit in my tent and hour later, unable too sleep due too raging fear and uncertainty, I was never going to be ready for this no matter how hard i tried.

I eventually turned over and tried to shut my eyes, and for the first time in a long time.

I started too cry.

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