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    It had been a long, uneventful, week since Elliot's last encounter with the eccentric brunette on the subway train and even though they found out that she had taken Shayla's apartment as her own when they parted ways, he still couldn't bring himself to go next door and initiate a full out conversation with her; even if that's what he desperately wanted to push himself to do.

    Malia Chavez, that's what he had found out her full name to be after extensive research and that small talk with her on the way back; that along with almost all of her social media online life including her borderline dangerous ex boyfriend which he was upset to find out about, thinking of it as a repetition of the past with Shayla though trying his best to push to the back of his mind and never think about.

Now, Elliot just laid restlessly on his uncomfortable and lonely twin sized bed with his inner demons itching to crawl out of his head and take on the physical form of his father's image, further taunting him for his failure on hooking up with the girl next door.

Elliot's shirtless figure twisted and turned under the thin white blanket that covered his half naked body, unable to fall asleep despite the numerous hours that kept passing him until the sound of his door opening at four in the morning finally drove him out of his sorry attempts of rest.

Large hands pushing into the surface of his mattress to lift himself up and get a better view, Elliot idly sat up against the wall as he waited for his doom to face him, remembering that the last time someone snuck in to his apartment it was the Tyrell Wellick. Unsurprisingly, he was met with a casually dressed and wild eyed Malia at his door instead of the male he had been searching for, for the past few months.

Malia's back was still turned to Elliot as she walked backwards into the vicinity of his apartment, letting Elliot scramble out of bed and on his feet to watch her with a bewildered expression from the side of his bed. He wildly watched as she was dressed in black once again, the dress from the other night replaced with a long sleeved shirt and dark jeans tonight yet the heels still seemed strapped to her feet, tapping against his wooden floor.

    Once she felt she was a safe distance from the front door and the intruders on the opposite side, Malia turned on her heels and spun around to face Elliot for the first time since she broke into his apartment.

Clutching her stuffed purse closer to her petite body, her dark brows rose in approval at Elliot's current nonexistent attire before she shook her head in disbelief at the view; enjoying it far more than Elliot was used to women viewing him like. As much as he enjoyed the fact that she had initiated the conversation first, sparing him from the embarrassment from doing it himself, this isn't how he wanted it.

    "As much as I'd love to marvel at the view, I need your fire escape, babe." The playfulness surrounding the friendly nickname in her sentence disheartened him on his chances yet that upset feeling was hurriedly replaced by fury and curiosity as she walked past him and towards his window.

Elliot was at a loss for words as he watched her body crouch down and start working on unlocking the window. Not letting his gaze wander to other places of her body, he began searching for clothes around his apartment, finally landing on a pile of clothes he recently washed at the foot of his bed.

    "What the fuck is going on?" Elliot called over at her while he slipped his black t-shirt over his head and slipped on his pants, much to Malia's dismay, only to be ignored by her as she continued climbing out of his window. "Malia." Elliot's voice was stern now when he rushed over to the window, wrapping his slender fingers around the upper part of her arm to stop her in her great escape and finally face him.

"Let's just say, work followed me home." She sheepishly smiled up at him, half her body out of the window and half of it in his apartment. "Elliot, seriously, come on. I'll explain when we're far from here, alright, just come on." Now it was her turn to wrap her fingers around his arm and pull him out of his apartment, till they were both standing on the upper part of the fire escape.

    The street lights were the only lights illuminating on Malia's face, genuinely complimenting her facial features as Elliot struggled to come to a decision. With their hands still on each other's bodies, he took in a deep breath before nodding at her, allowing her to pull him into her hectic life.



here's the first official chapter with some parts of malia's life revealed 🤗 also, if you're a fan of ezra miller, i uploaded a fic about one of his characters 'kevin'. alsoooo, if you're a fan of rami and ezra, you should def PM me and fan girl with me plz. 💕

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