Distilling Impurities

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She stood on the edge with it expanding out in front of her. The cool wind coming off it caused her to shiver as she closed her eyes, leaning forward. The empty air did nothing to stop her, so it wasn't long before she was swallowed by the cold water.

She remembered swimming in this lake when she was a child, when she was innocent and warm hearted. At that point in her life, the simplicities of living were clear to her. They were foggy now.

She thought the water would distill her, that it would wash away the grime so she could once again see the simplicities. Her lungs burned as purity started to be restored.

But she soon resurfaced and the clarity she had hoped for wasn't there, it was still foggy. Not even the oxygen starving lake could clear her mind. And then she remembered, even water itself must be distilled.

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