Kenma's House

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The next day at school was as uneventful as ever. You helped out at morning practice and attended your classes. When it was finally lunch time, your friends begged you to introduce them to Kenma.

"I'll ask him." You said, pulling out your phone.

"Yay!" They cheered.

You texted Kenma and he almost instantly replied, agreeing to meet your friends. Rather than making him walk to your classroom, you decided to meet outside, in front of the school.

Your friends happily walked alongside you. You could tell they were bubbling with excitement. On the other hand, you felt a little nervous.

What if they don't like him? You asked yourself.

There was no time to answer that question, so you pushed the negative thought away. You and your friends say under a tree in the shade, waiting for Kenma. It wasn't long before he stepped out into the sunlight. He looked around, and seemed to be having trouble finding you.

"Kenma!" You called, waving your hand. "We're over here!"

Kenma smiled and walked over. You could tell he was slightly uncomfortable with the idea of meeting new people. You introduced him to your friends, and everyone seemed quite happy.

"So, you're in the volleyball club?" One of your friends asked.

Kenma nodded. "Yeah."

"That's so cool!" Your friend replied. "I'm on the girl's team!"

Kenma seemed a little more willing to talk now. "Really? That's cool. How are you guys doing?"

"Oh, we're not too bad. I doubt we'll ever be as good as the boys, though." She replied.

Kenma smiled slightly. "I'm sure you'll do great."

Your friend seemed really happy with his comment. It wasn't long before Kenma had warmed up to everyone. You all had fun and talked about lots of things. Before you knew it, it was time to return to class.

Kenma gave you a quick hug and said goodbye, which caused your friends to freak out.

"You guys are so adorable!" One of them said, a little too loudly.

You let out an awkward chuckle. "Thanks!"

You sat down in your chair, prepared for the last few classes of the day. Time flew pretty quickly, and you were soon on your way to practice. On your way there, you saw Kuroo walking towards you.

Oh, no. You thought. Okay, don't panic, you'll be fine.

Kuroo looked over at you. "Oh, hey (y/n)-chan. The coach gave us the day off of practice today, so you can go straight home."

You nodded. "Thank you."

Kuroo walked off, not saying another word.

Well, that went better than expected.

It wasn't long before Kenma showed up.

"I heard that practice got cancelled." He said.

You nodded. "Yeah, so I guess we'll just head home then."

Cat Got Your Tongue? (Kenma X Reader) [COMPLETED]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant