Ferret (Duna)

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This was requested by llamasOffTheirRocker. Go check them out! Hope this is something you might like! Also please ignore the fact that Draco and Luna are cousins for a few moments to read this lol.

The students gathered were roaring with laughter as Mad-Eye Moody swung the levitating white ferret, also known as Draco Malfoy, around.

Draco squealed and struggled, but Moody laughed along with the rest of them. I noticed Harry and Ron to the point of falling over, clutching their sides. I was clutching mine, but for a different reason. I felt sick. This wasn't right.

I nearly cheered as Professor McGonagall showed up.

"Professor! This is no way to treat a student!" She cried, and changed Draco back. The dove-haired boy fell to the ground with a thump. I noticed he was tenderly holding his left wrist, which had blood dripping trickling down.

Moody muttered something and left. McGonagall turned to the crowd, and said sternly, "Alright everyone! Back to your dorms! It's getting dark!" Everyone groaned and obeyed, all except for Draco and I.

"Loo- ahem- Luna, will you please take Draco to the Hospital Wing?"

I nodded, inwardly flinching. Even the teachers used the cruel nickname some of the students gave me.

McGonagall left and I went over to Draco. "You don't have to, you know," he said quietly. I ignored him and helped him up, careful to use his right hand.

We proceeded to the Hospital Wing, silent the whole time. When we reached the door, Draco turned to me. "Listen," he started, "I'm a jerk to some people. I know. Especially Potter. But you... you're different. And not in the way the others think. A good kind of different."

My heart fluttered, and I struggled to keep it under control.

"No one has ever said anything like that to me," I said quietly. Draco blushed and looked at his shoes.

"Hey... um... could I... do something?" He asked gingerly.

"Like what?"

"Ah... I don't know..."

"Well... sure."

I could never explain how shocked I was when Draco Malfoy leaned forward and kissed me. For a moment my eyes were wide, but I soon got over it, and melted into it.

We stayed like that for a few heartbeats. I was disappointed when he pulled back. We were both breathless from shock.

"Draco? Professor McGonagall told me to be expecting you. Come on in."

We turned to see Madam Pomphrey standing in the doorway. Draco nodded and she left, leaving the large wooden door opened a crack. He looked at me, and I stared back into those pale blue-gray eyes.

"Well... I better..."


For a moment or two, we stood there, till finally he moved to leave.

"Bye, Ferret," I teased, and he turned back.

"Bye, Loony," he said, smiling. For once, as he disappeared, I was okay with someone calling me that.

Hope you liked it! Sorry if it isn't what you wanted, I tried lol.

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