Food and Cops

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So I know we just got caught but we decided to go to a party tonight but this time my brothers know and agree to go with us. Since I have to go to other packs next week why not party it up. Smoke some weed drink some liquor and live my life without a mate for a while. Honestly I'm still gonna party with my mate. We just gonna turn up together Ayyyyyeee! I'm so ratchet 😩. But anyways I'm about to like fineeeeee tonight. I'm wearing this sexy black dress with MK gold heels and jewelry. It's simple but fuck worthy. Jk I'm not trying to get fucked I just want to flirt a little 😭.
"Tori of you don't get ya ugly ass out the mirror and get in the car we leaving you " said ugly ass Trent
I would say something back but I know damn well he would really leave my ass here and I'll be walking to the party. And it takes thirty minutes to get there.
"Nic you got the bud?" I asked
"Girl I rolled that shit up already"
So to pass the time us girls decided to pass a few blunt around
As soon as we got to the party, Tori, Nic and I went straight to the food. And my brothers just looked at us and shook their head knowing damn well we had the munchies.
Once we were good with the food we all started dancing. They started playing Work by Rihanna( that's my shit ) and we all started twerking. WE was getting it too and before I knew it some fine ass light skin was grinding up on me. And I decided to grind back because I don't give a fuck 😜😜. He started whispering shit in my ear and kissing my neck. Just as I turned around to talk to him I hear someone scream "COOOOPPPPPS"
Mystery boy grabbed my hand and ran out the back door. And I was runnin hard cuz I had weed and was not losing that shit. Before long I realized I just lost my family and I'm stranded who knows where with this random dude. Thank god he sexy af

The Loving Alpha Meets the Party Girl (Bwwm)(Werewolf)Where stories live. Discover now