The Crash

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When the school bell rang Alyssa my best friend jumped on my back and nearly pushed me to the ground.
"Someone's turning 18 tomorrow!"
"Hahaha, now I've got to go pick up some supplies for the party. Oh look there's my dads car, cya"

"Hey dad, how was work?" I kiss him on the cheek.
"It was fine darl, how was school?"
"It was kinda gross, in science we dissected rats! EW"
"Haha, I remember doing that when I was a kid" he turns to face me and he says
"I love you honey, I'm so proud of you" he smiles
Just as I'm about to say I love you a truck hits the drivers door and my dads head gets bashed around, meanwhile my leg gets caught under my bag and when the car flipped my leg snapped. I screamed in pain. I had a few bruises and a broken leg, but my main concern was my dad. I dragged myself to where he was lying and I shook him.
No answer
"DADDY" I screamed
Tears started forming in my eyes.

We were not too far from the school, as we only just pulled out of the car park. I could hear some of my friends run towards the flipped car calling my name. But I was so shocked I couldn't say anything, I was absolutely devastated.

A warm tough hand grasped my wrist and slid my tiny fragile body through the smashed window cutting my thighs arms legs and my hips.

I sat up, and looked at the person who pulled me out, he was a guy from my school. We haven't ever talked but he's in my class.
"Oh my god, Ash, where are you hurt?"
"M-my leg I-I think it's broken"
He looks down at my leg it looks bent.
"Woah, ash legs get you to the hospital"
"NO" I shriek
"What's wrong"
"M-my dads in the car... I think h-he's gone.
I start balling my eyes out and he pulls me into a tight hug.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2016 ⏰

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