Human { A Megstiel Fanfiction}

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Castiel had been human for quite some time now, and it was starting to become normal for him. He was sitting in his motel room in Wisconsin waiting for Dean when he heard a knock on the door. He had no idea who it could be. He grabbed a gun and carefully looked through the peephole; It was a familiar yet shocking face. He opened the door in utter shock.

"Hello Clarence." It was Meg. He thought Meg had been killed by Crowley years ago.

Castiel had been going by the name Clarence ever since he'd lost his grace. He was shocked that It was her- standing in front of him. They always seemed to have something between them- ever since the Pizza Man incident. He didnt even realize how much he had missed her

"Meg- I.. I thought you were gone"

"Shut up and Kiss me, you baby in a...wheres the trenchcoat?"

Cas didnt even answer; he wanted her so bad. He viciously put her up against the wall and pressed his lips against hers.

"Cas.." Meg moaned in between.

Soon They were on the bed, bodies touching. They hadnt realized how much they missed eachother.


"That was..Interesting", Meg said, gasping for air.

"The Pizza Man taught me a little bit more" Cas said, with that adorable smile on his face.

Meg Smiled, and she realized what she came her to do in the first place.

"I have to tell you something"

"What is it?" Cas said, a bit worried.

"Im not a demon anymore. I had Sam & Dean cure i could be with you. Im completely human.."


Castiel was shocked. He hadn't seen Meg in years and now she was...human?

Cas tilted his head and said, " No wonder you got past the demon trap that was underneath the doormat"

"How are you liking your own human life, unicorn?"

"It's so complex, you know? You have to eat, sleep, use the bathroom."

"Oh shut up, Cas."

Then there was a knock on the door. Cas quickly put on pants and looked through the peephole and it was Dean.

"Son of a bitch Cas I'm gone for a second to get some god damn pie and your in bed with... is that meg?"

"There was no booze in the joint and my favorite angel just happened to be here" Meg got up and started to get dressed.

Dean and Cas exchanged looks as if Dean wanted to say "Nice one, Cas"

"Dean...Can you give me and Meg a second?" Cas said nervously.

"I'll be waiting in the impala" Dean winked at Cas and went to go wait for them in his beloved Baby.

"I still cant believe you were the one who made the angels fall. I knew you were a little bad, Clarence."

Cas smiled. To state the obvious, her voice was a turn on. But he knew he had to ask her; How was she really here? She WAS killed by crowley..not just exorcised...she was killed. How was she here?

"Meg..How are you here? I mean, Crowley KILLED you. I'm not quite sure i understand."

"Does it matter? Cas, I'm here now. I always will be here."

Meg kissed him. It wasnt a normal kiss. It was passionate, the kind of kiss that made you feel like the world was moving because you were. Andd suddenly, nothing even mattered to Castiel anymore. Meg was here, he was here, everything was perfect. They were happy.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2013 ⏰

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