The Reason

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Chapter 1

Hi my name is Emily and I'm 13 years old. I love to sing and dance and I'm moving today to Ohio. I'm going to middletown school in Ohio.

I start my day out by trying to make friends but I can't everybody is making fun of me and I don't like makes me mad. I go to my first class crying and at the end of the period I try to avoid everybody but I can't. One person keeps laughing and then one of the guys come over to me and book check me. I pick up my stuff and I run to the bathroom but these girls follow me and beat me up I come out of the bathroom run to the office crying and I ask for the guidance counselor and they say just wait here so I do and not five minutes after I see the counselor she says, " Emily ?"

" Yes."

" You said you needed to see me come back here to my office and let's have a chat."

" Okay." I go through the brownish door I think it is wood but I'm not sure. The carpet that I was walking upon was a dark red like someone took someone else's blood and had just rubbed it all over the carpet. Finally we got to the dark grey door. When I touch it, it is very cold, it felt like metal.

She said, " What seems to be the problem Emily ?"

" Well all I was trying to do was make friends and they just started calling me names ."

" Your going to have to deal with it for a bit I will call them up to the office soon right now I have to go get something done first."

" Okay. Bye."

I walk out of the animal filled room with a frown on my face. The person that was in the chair beside the computer said, " Have a nice day." I didn't say anything back because she was a little to creepy. She had a mole on her right side of the nose she had bags under her eyes, her nose was very long. She also had this devious look in her eyes that made me wanna throw up right in front of her. I go to my locker and get my stuff and go to my second class but for some reason I feel something staring upon me, of course I get the idea of turning, but instead of turning around I stay turned the right to my class and that's when it hit me a cold fist goes straight toward my face and hits me in the nose. The person that was behind me had jumped out in front of me and punched me. When I wake up I see the doctor, he says, " Are you awake Emily, are you awake ?"

" What happened... I feel lightheaded."

" Well you did lose a lot of blood from getting that bloody nose."

" What how did I get a bloody nose ?"

" Well what some witnesses said was that someone had scared you and you fell and that someone had punched you in the nose several times."

" Is my nose all right doc ?"

" Yes it's fine, but you'll need to be more careful because your nose could break easily now."

" Okay."

I sighed and got ready to go home. My mom was sitting in a chair waiting for me to get ready, my dad was probably waiting in the car. I'm finally ready we walked and I was right my dad was waiting in the car. I get into the green car, I take out my iPod and play Youth Of The Nation by P.O.D. I'm listening to this song because it is my favorite. Some people don't get how it is my favorite, I don't even know myself, but all I know is that it is a good song.

I get home and go straight to sleep hoping that I could get some rest before I eat dinner.

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