Meeting Melissa.

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I wake up slouched to the post I was tied to before...My kidnapper must have gone to sleep in his own bed as he is not here anymore. quickly I notice that I'm not tied up like last night maybe he felt some pity for me...hooray. I assume I'm going to be here for a while so I get up and look around my 'new room'. Interesting all of the weapons have been removed, how boring, huh? walking around my room some more I find a business card with my kidnappers face on....and his name: Kabuto Shigni. I shall call him Kabu. So kabu is working on a hit man service and Deadpool service.... nice...a multi-murderer! walking even more around the room I discover another door, it's unlocked. hesitantly I open the mysterious door and pass through. at first, I see nothing then skimming over the room for the second time I see an unconscious girl laying there. Wearily I creep up to the fellow victim and check if she is dead or alive. to my surprise she's very alive. bearing in mind she sat bolt upright as soon as my middle and forefinger made contact with her neck. after this surprise, she starts uncontrollably shaking and stating that she doesn't want to get hurt and she wants to go home at this sudden outburst I do the only thing I could do and I sit and hug her reassuring we will get out and this hell hole will be over soon.
I start to tell her a bit about me hoping the small girl would share something about her too...
"Okay let's start with me, Hello, my name is L and i am  15, I came here at least 3 years ago and became an orphan when my family left me here when they return from their holiday, I was fairly happy since it was an abusive family but also sad as I had lost everything I owned. now you go,"
"hi, I'm melissa and I'm 14  and transgender, that's why I'm in this shit hole. my parents, well, died when I was 4 in a horrible car crash leaving me and my dog severely injured and dying. as I was trans the doctor refused to give me proper care so I suffered a lot without painkillers. then I went out to escape and kill myself in the forest and this random guy came up behind me and drugged me making me pass out. then I turned up here almost 2 moths ago..."

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