Chapter Three

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Charlie's P.O.V

"Hey, what did you do that for? You didn't have to get involved. Peter was just being a jerk." Jamie said running up the corridor behind me.

"It's nothing, I just ... I just don't like that word." I said scratching the back of my head.

"What word? You mean the word 'faggot'?" He said now walking beside me.

"Yeah, that word." I said

"Don't get me wrong Charlie I'm glad you stuck up for me and all but wasn't it just last year you called me the same thing just before you punched me?" He said stopping me outside the cafeteria.

"Yeah I know and I'm sorry for that, I just want this year to be different you know? I'm not the same guy I was last year, lets just say I changed over the Summer." I said turning to walk into have my break.

"Wait." Jamie said grabbing me by the arm and turning me around. "What do you mean the summer changed you?"

"We'll it changed me for the better, that's all I'm saying about the situation and I hope we can be friends this year." I said extending my arm for him to shake.

"Yeah I'd like that too." Jamie said shaking my hand and that smile of his made me grin a little.

Kate ran down to corridor shouting and waving her arms in the air, I swear this girl is crazy. "DON'T TOUCH HIM."

"Calm down Kate it's fine, he apologised and shook my hand." Jamie said standing in front of me so Kate didn't pounce of me.

"Wait, what? You're telling me that Charlie. This Charlie apologised to you." She said pointing her finger towards me in disbelief.

"YES KATE, that Charlie." He said moving her finger away from my face.

"I did apologise and I just wanna put last year behind me, it's a new year and a new me." I said taking a seat at the table closest to the cafeteria doors.

"Oh then okay, you don't mind if we sit her then." She said and then she sat down before I even replied. "Sit down Jamie, you did say you's were okay now." She said pulling Jamie out a seat.

"Yeah I know but that doesn't mean we have to cramp his style by sitting with him." Jamie said looking over at the 'Popular Table' where I did use to sit.

"Cramp my style?" I said chuckling at him. "Take a seat it's fine anyway I don't think I'll be sitting with them again after my performance in French." I said pointing over at Peter and the others.

"Wait what performance? Don't tell me I missed the first fight of the year? Damn it I swear this always happens." Kate moaned.

"No their was no fight, I'll explain to you later." Jamie said finally sitting down at the table.

5 minutes before break was over Natalie strutted into the Cafeteria walking straight towards me and yes folks Natalie is my ex-girlfriend.

"Oh look what the cat dragged in." Kate said eyeing Natalie up, them two have never liked each-other. When I hit Jamie last year, Natalie and Kate also got into a fight all they done was slap each other before Natalie strutted away down to corridor.

"What are you doing sitting with these freaks?" Natalie said once she reached the table. Loud enough for the whole cafeteria to hear now they were all watching us.

"Freaks? Who the hell are you talking too?" Kate said jumping out of her chair.

"Kate sit down." Jamie said pulling her into her seat.

"Right lets get one thing straight they aren't freaks, secondly you have some nerve coming to speak to me, I broke up with you before I left for the Summer because of what you were doing behind my back. Or should I say who you were doing behind my back." I said turning to face Peter and the others.

Gasps filled the whole cafeteria "Wait what? How did you know?" She whispered. "Let's just say a little birdie told me so why don't you take your skanky ass away over to the guy you slept with behind my back." I said pointing towards Niall who could only look around the hall awkwardly.

"Wait, what?" Some girl stood up slamming her fists from the table behind Niall's. "It was a mistake I only did it once when I was with you all the other times was before we got together." Niall said. I then realised the girl was Chanelle Niall's girlfriend or should I say ex girlfriend.

Chanelle walked up to Niall and the slap she gave him echoed around the cafeteria "WE ARE OVER, YOU FUCKING MAN-WHORE." She shouted in his face "and for you .." She said pointing at Natalie "You are nothing but a disgusting skanky whore and don't you for a second think this is over." She said turning away from Natalie and walking out of the cafeteria.

Natalie then walked over to the others and sat down, everyone returned to what they were walking about before that little display happened, or they were probably talking about what did just happen.

"It's only Break Time and all of this had already happened, what the hell else will happen today?" Kate said with a smirk on her face.

"I haven't a clue but I'm sure it can't be good." I replied just as the bell rang and great I have Gym Class next.

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