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Oh look! It seems that you've stumbled upon my first "judging-you-for-not-thinking-this-would-be-pointed-out" book, or my "I'm-making-all-the-tiny-holes-in-your-boat-bigger-because-what-you-wrote-either-sounded-silly-or-misinformed" book. Either way this is my first time doing a book like this where I read a wattpad novel and as I go along I will quote the moments that made me pause and think about my life and then let you beautiful people read my commentary and reasoning! This is a book where I am completely open to suggestions on what books I should poke and prod at next!
So if you have a certain book you want me to (a) tear apart and laugh at or (b) gently pat and secretly laugh at then by all means- put the title and author in the comments! You may be thinking to yourself, "did this chick just go on and on about how she's gonna find all the tiny errors or statements we don't normally see as important?! She literally ripped half of this chapter from her summary! She has no right to tear apart our stuff!"
Yes. Yes I did just repeat everything I said in the summary, thank for noticing~~~~
But you see, I plan to tear my own work to shreds as well, dear child! No need to worry! I too will be given no mercy, at my own hands might I add!

Seriously though, at some point I'll be going through my own work if you guys would like that, most likely when I receive more readers I'll ask again.

Alright I think that's about it, so remember to suggest new/old reads that could make me cringe in some aspect or that you think is perfect and we'll see if our opinions match or not!

Thanks and I hope you enjoy!

~insert Signature here~

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2016 ⏰

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 All The Tiny Flaws That You Didn't Think Were Important ||ATTFTYDTWI #1||Where stories live. Discover now