Hogwarts For LIFE

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So I got this idea off a tumblr screenshot, but I don't know who made it first. So credit to whoever came up with this hilarious idea, and comment if you know who did so I can put it in the summary. The screenshot is this one shot's cover image.

Also credit to fictionalnavy for posting the image on Instagram.

Go check out some of my other stuff, including Recensere, my Marauder canon story.

DISCLAIMER: All rights belong to J.K Rowling.

This takes place as if the beginning of sixth year took place in 2016, and they somehow were allowed to have gadgets and wifi and electricity.

"Did you check out The Daily Prophet? Fleur Delacour is getting married!"

"REALLY? Damn, she was hot stuff. Remember during the Yule Ball Roger made such a fool out of himself? It went viral!"

"Didn't it get like a million views?"

"He looked like a sloth. Couldn't stop staring at her,"

"Who's she getting hooked up with anyways?"

"Bill Weasley, Ron's infinitely hotter older brother!"

"I STALK HIM SO MUCH. The other day he actually responded to my Hoot."

"OH MY GODRIC! You're joking right!"


"Hey, where's Harry?"

"I don't know, lemme post this picture, this food looks heavenly,"

"Hmm, Valencia looks good,"

"RON! Your best friend is missing!"

"Fine. #saveharrypotter. Happy?"

"Oh Merlin that's Harry Potter,"

"Should I go up to him?"

"No don't be an ass. I doubt he'd like it."


"Holy shit! I'm taking a video"

"It's trending. #saveharrypotter,"

"Look at Malfoy being all smug like he owns the place,"

"He looks like he got laid,"

"OUCH! What was that for?"

"Didn't you notice that he walked in just before Potter?"

"So? Oh, OH. Right, that is kind of suspicious..."


"Hey, who's that new teacher?"

"I think he's a dude called Slughorn. The creep who sent us those invitations. Dumbledore posted a #tbt with him a while back,"

"He looks like a walrus,"

"Better than Marietta,"

"What happened to her anyways? One day looking all cute around the campus, the next day BOOM! Acne worse than mine."

"Psshh. Yours isn't that bad. Just look up Madam's Pippa 10 Easy Ways to Remove Acne. It works wonders I tell you. I think Witch's Weekly posted a link to it."

"SNAPE'S our DADA teacher! What a-"

"Shhh, there are firsties online."

"Right, sorry. #LMFAO"


"Potter's certainly grown hotter, hasn't he?"

"Just look at his eyes... Sigh"

"And his hair will be the death of me,"

"No, just the death of You-Know-Who,"

"Did you just,"

"Harry Potter is Gryffindor Captain!"

"YES! Should we try out for the team? We'll get to see him, flying on his broomstick all hot and sweaty..."

"Why do you lot care so much? You don't even know how to play Quidditch!"

"Oh, don't worry. We'll just Google it,"


"Potter's on fire,"

"'There's no need to call me sir, Professor.' KILLED HIM."

"Snape just got pwned!"


"I'm changing my status,"


I don't know if I should continue this, but please comment if you want me to. This is a one shot until further notice. Thank you for reading, and don't forget to favourite and review! Love, StardustandSnitches.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2016 ⏰

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