Chapter 12 (part 2)

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Abandoning all caution, she crawled out from under the table and stood up. And there was Neco, wearing a shirt with the king's symbol on it, one of the papers from the table held in his hand. Shock filled his face as he saw her.

She lifted her chin and pulled her hood down as Neco struggled to find words.

"How—wha-what are you doing here?"

Jade flicked her eyes to the table where the papers were, then back at Neco. She pointed at the letter he still held in his hand and shook her head.

Don't do this.

The shock on Neco's face changed to grief and anger. "You've come to stop me," he said. "Well you won't. You can't. I have to do this," his voice shook, "and you know why."

Jade's eyes filled. Yes. I do know why. A single tear slipped down her face. I'm why. But how can I tell you?

She stepped closer, shrugging off her cloak and showing Neco for the first time the pain she had endured for the past few months.

Shock returned to Neco's face as his eyes flicked over the cuts and bruises on her arms, face, and neck. He faltered back a bit. "Who did this to you?" hatred and fury was evident in his eyes. "I'll, where are they, he's going to be—,"

Jade pressed a finger to his lips, shaking her head gently. She bent down and rolled up the pant leg that covered the injury the Creature had given her, exposing the long, deep gashes.

She straightened and tried to be strong while in front of Neco, but the pain and worry that she had pressed down inside while on her own welled up and consumed her. Taking deep breaths, she crumpled to the ground and bit her lip, trying not to break down.

Neco was instantly by her side, holding her.

That was too much for Jade, and she broke into sobs, letting the tears flow freely from her face. She pressed her face into Neco's shoulder.

Is this what a brother's like? There to comfort me? Stick with me?

Neco sat beside her, letting her cry as he rocked her back and forth. "Shhh, shhh. It's going to be okay," he whispered. "Shh, don't cry. You'll be fine now, I promise." He let go of her, standing up and helping her to her feet. He stared at her leg. "Mallikar did this to you," he breathed, almost too quiet for her to hear. "And away..." He seemed lost in thought for a second, then stood back, pulling off his shirt.

Three jagged curving scars ran from his left shoulder to his right hip, almost identical to the one on her leg. He gave a sad smile.

"He got me too," he said, a mischievous grin appearing on his face, "but I left him with a wound he won't likely forget. I wouldn't be surprised if my dagger is still wedged in that beast's foot today."

Jade vaguely remembered something shiny in Mallikar's paw the day she was attacked, but the memory seemed dim in comparison to how it had leaped at her.

Neco pulled on his shirt and glanced over his shoulder, his green eyes flashing in the low light. "Come on," he said, "We have to leave before someone finds us here. The assassination's not 'till dawn."

Jade stopped in her tracks. The assassination; it was still going. She mentally slapped herself as she picked up her cloak and pulled it back on, making sure to leave the hood up.

There was a party of men, you idiot. Neco's not the only one with this mission.

Neco stared at her. "What's wrong?"

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