Chapter 14, DJ Baby Mason

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Adam's POV

I'd just arrived at my house to pick up Mason when Alesa burst out, holding him in her arms and a bag slung over her shoulder with teddy-bears patterned on it. She was looking pretty classy, with her blond hair curled. I kissed her on the cheek and took Mason from her and the bag. A little bit later, I was back at the offices, with Mason curled in my arms. I opened the door, and Jess came running over. "OMG MASON IS SO CUTE!!" She shrieked. I laughed and held him out for her to hold. She took him from me and cradled him in her arms. "We will have to take you to meet Joseph and Julia soon won't we little one aye?" Jess whispered to him. Y/N came up, arguing with Max. "No, iHop is better than Olive Garden, because they have pancakes." "Olive Garden is better! Have you never been to Olive Garden?" "Well have you been to iHo- Oh hey Adam." Max's face lit up. "Is dat widdle DJ Babbe Mason?" He lisped in a baby voice. I changed my voice to a baby voice. "Yes, dat's widdle Mason." Y/N stared at us. "Guys, what the heck? Okay, I get it's Mason, but seriously? Those voices?" I laughed and Jess held out Mason for her. Y/N took him from her and hugged him close. She glanced up at me. "Adam this is my baby now. Max! WE'VE GOTTA RUN! HE'S ON TO US!" Jess giggled. I sighed. Y/N and Max had sprung away, Mason with them.  "Y/N I'VE GOTTA DO A VLOG WITH HIM! I NEED LITTLE MASON FOR THAT! UGH GIVE HIM BACK SIS!" I yelled racing after her retreating figure. 

A little bit later, with much dismay from Y/N, I'd got Mason back and was about to start my vlog. "Hey guys Sky here! Welcome back to another video. As you can see, today we are doing a vlog, and guess who we have here?" I was about to aim the camera at Mason, when Y/N leaped into the office in front of the camera. "I'M HERE! Now Adam, give me back my baby." I laughed. "I wonder how many comments and tweets there will be right now of yours and Max's baby." A look of pure fear fell over Y/N's face. I gazed at her. "Y-You okay?" I asked. "I haven't announced Max and I are dating yet. I'm gonna get so much hate from it too, as so many fans want Max to be theirs." I paused the recording and hugged her. "I'll protect you. I will also post that, so that people will understand you don't want hate. Now, let's get back to this recording." Y/N nodded, and I started up the vlog again. "Okay, so I meant to say that little DJ Baby Mason is here! Just wook at dat widdle babbe face... awww. Come on, let's go take him around the offices." I picked up Mason and began to walk around the offices, filming peoples reaction with him. Y/N was walking along aside me. After the vlog, I'd done a couple more videos then it was time to go home. I picked up Mason and his stuff, yelled 'goodbye' to everyone and drove home. 

Your POV

Alright, Adam is gone... so I may as well go now as it's time to go anyway. I'll just get Max first. "Max hurry up! We've gotta go! I'm so tired...." Max grumbled and stood up. "Fine... fine, let's go." I leaned my head on his shoulder as we walked out of the offices. He glanced at me shortly when we sat in the car, before he started it. "What's with all the romantic stuff eh?" He asked. I glared at him, then stopped and sighed. "Adam was doing his vlog with Mason, when I said 'Adam give me back my baby.' and then he said 'I wonder how many comments and tweets there will be right now of yours and Max's baby.' and we haven't revealed we're dating yet, and I'm scared. That's because I'll get so much hate as so many fans want you to be theirs. But it wasn't Adam's fault. I'm just scared of losing you." I sighed again, letting silent tears seep out. Max didn't start the car and just sat there. I cried harder, because it didn't seem like he cared. Max leaned over and kissed me, sweet and long. My tears stopped. I knew instantly, that I loved this man and wanted to spend my entire life with him.

Adam's POV


A/N: ^ Ah, I love that. Anyways, little late update, that's because I forgot about this xD. I dunno what to do next chapter. Although, the next chapter may be a little late, as I have a big sports tournament on Thursday, and I'm going on a bus for 2 hours to get there. The chapter will probably be a little short too maybe. But enough about me, I hope you liked this chapter! :3



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