
43 5 0

Fluency and a good use of descriptive language [MAJOR]

Uses of Literary Devices (Similes, Imagery, Personification, Symbolism Etc.) [MAJOR]

Noticeable Character Development [MAJOR]

A drawn out plot with no loopholes (Don't stress to much just make sure not to rush yourself and to plan) [MAJOR]

Smart Paragraphing [MINOR]

Don't over describe! No one cares if she bought her cloud feeling rainbow towel at the wal-mart down the street on rollback for $1.19! Considering most of these contests have a limited word count Over-describing isn't going to help you.[MAJOR]

Don't rush yourself considering I'll be giving you up to 4 weeks on longer projects. There will be weekly contests but that will be things like Poems and 1,000 word short stories.

Just remember to plan out your ideas and HAVE FUN!

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