Chapter 2; Amethyst

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Two days had passed. Yet another late night CPH marathon left the two gems glued to the couch. Amethyst had managed to comment on Peridot's curves an hour previous, which had practically silenced her comrade aside from comments on the soap opera/teen drama.

The campers were all gathered, post-competition. Percy was drabbling on and on to a side character, growing agitated. Paulette was off being Mary Sue #1, while every other character was just roasting tiny hotdogs, marshmallows, and other roastable things around a small, unrealistic fire that was apparently somewhat important to the plot.

"Ten bucks Pierre is gonna come around when the fire goes out." Amethyst bet quietly, her eyes glued to the TV.
"'Seen it, you're kind of right." Peridot stated, in the same state as her companion. "I don't understand why Paulette isn't talking to Percy right now, she  has a huge opportunity!"

I know the feeling, Amethyst thought with a small frown. She hadn't realized that Peridot was this naive when it came to feelings. She seemed to cause a stir everytime she met someone new, either of loathing or of yet another reason why Pearl can't get a moment's rest when she is present. It intrigued Amethyst; Did Peridot know about the stir she had caused with her new-found barnmate?
((I'm tired goodnight))

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