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1. hold the complete attention of (someone) as though by magic; fascinate.


"You do it to me so well
Hypnotic takin' over me
Make me feel like someone else
You got me talkin' in my sleep"
-Hypnotic, Zella Day


dedication to EmSlough because her book 'heartbreaker' is literally leaving my heart(felt, broken, rate speed up) and i love brothers best friend novels and this one is legit perfection and cannot wait to see the plot develop as she writes it! aHH
this chap is inspired and along the subject line of that! 

btw guys, grant gustin is cast as the mc for her novel. gRAnT.

every reason more to read it.


"WAIT...WHAT?" I QUESTIONED, holding the phone closer to my ear. Surely I hadn't heard her right.

"I'm sorry, Vi. My parents found out about my car being towed and have literally grounded me for life. I can't go with you tomorrow." Kate says apologetically, but I barely acknowledge her words as my mind gets sent in to a fury of demanding thoughts.

"So we can't go to the carnival tomorrow? But we bough tickets two months ago! Who will I go with now?" I said hysterically, gripping the phone tighter now. The HHS Carnival was the best in the country, and was only coming to our town for tomorrow night. The tickets had been sold out approximately three hours after going online, but I had managed to snag two tickets for me and Kate. With school ending last week, this is what we had been looking forward to. 

"Believe me, if anyone's pissed here, it's definitely me. But don't let me stop you, okay? You should still go. Just.. find someone else to go with. They can have my ticket. Free." Kate negotiated. I blew a raspberry, and let out a long sigh.

"Are you sure? We can sell it if you want, they weren't exactly cheap. I'm sorry for freaking out, it's just we've really been looking forward to it.."

"No, Violet. You should definitely still go! If none of us go, then it'd be a waste. It's too late to sell them, anyway. Find a friend, and tell me how it goes, okay? I expect pictures and details. Document everything!" Kate says, and I chuckle.

"Will do. See you when you're free from hell. Call me in the mean time. Bye," I say, hanging up and tossing my phone on the bed, watching it bounce and fall off. 

I let out a long-awaited groan and plopped down face first on my bed. 

After a few minutes of sulking, I dragged myself to the edge of the bed and picked up my discarded phone. Scrolling through the contact list, I realized the majority, if not all, of my friends had already left the city and gone on holiday. 


I sat and thought for a few moments before smiling.

I knew one person who was free.


I knocked on his door, standing in the hallway. 

Rocking on my feet, I wait.

His door opens, and his head pops out.

"Violet, why are you knocking on my door? I'm your brother, not your neighbor." Liam retorts. His dark hair is disheveled, and I can tell I just woke him from an afternoon nap.

AssonanceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora