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Hey hey yoh people! Long time no update (I guess...). LOL ok. Sorry didn't update for quite sometime 'coz have to finish some business and stuff mwehehe XD. Anyway I've been brainstorming in what should I write in this chapter and I guess I ended up by following my instincts. ANIMAL INTINCTS!! Wew okay I'll stop writting nonsense and on with the story. DUN! DUN! DUN! DUUUUNNN!


I, Midorima Shintarou a former member of Teikou middle school basketball club, that now attends Shutoku High, is now on the classroom 'preparing' for the cultural festival.

"Tadaah!" Yuuiko and Yuuko beamed at the 5 of us while holding a large paperbag (me, Shinna, Ichigo, Aya, and Kaoru.) (Do you guys still remember them? XD if you don't refer to CHAPTER 22.) "What are in those bags?" Aya asked, I noticed that the twins' eyes twinkled and then they put down the paperbag that they are holding. Yuuko bent down to retrieve something from the paperbag. I closed my eyes and opened them when...


Midorima closed his eyes then opened it again then Yuuiko shoved something on Midorima's face. "Wh-what is this?!" Midorima demanded as he squinted his eyes in the object that was shoved at him. "Can't you see what it is?" Yuuko said and then Yuuiko continued "Its a manga, duh." "I know its a manga but what does this object have to do something with the preparation?" Midorima questioned the two and the twins' eyes sparked again "Of course you should read it so that you can get to know your character some more!" Yuuiko and Yuuko beamed at Midorima.

"Well this manga is pretty good..."Kaoru commented "You just find it interesting 'coz you have the same with one of the characters." Ichigo deadpanned Aya and Shinna both giggled "O-Oi! I-Its not like that!" Kaoru denied. "Ahem!" Yuuko fake coughed and all eyes turned to her "Soo... we're giving you until lunch break to finish all 18 volumes." she informed "B-but Yuuko-san..!" Shinna started to protest but Yuuiko interjected "Well I guess you guys start right now? 'Coz we only have one copy per volume." and everyone's eyes bulged out except from Midorima and Shinna. 

(Okay everything that were to be italicized is the events going on the manga...)

A boy with messy hair and wears glasses walked around the huge hallways of their schools. And it seems like he was a bit irritated. 'There are four libraries in this school, but why is it so noisy everywhere? If you don't feel like studying, just go home!' he thought angrily. 'Are they a bunch of carefree, bored students?' he added then he came across the Music Room number 3. He opened it slightly there stood the Ouran Host Club. "Welcome." all 6 of them chorused together.

"What the?! This is the same thing that we watched last time!" Kaoru shouted "No, its not." Shinna said "Hah?!" "Ahem, sometimes there are things that are in the manga and not in the anime and sometimes there are things that are in the anime and the manga don't. So I guess we should read all these 18 volumes." Shinna said in a matter-of-factly tone, and on the background Ichigo, Yuuiko, Yuuko, and Aya applauded at Shinna's little speech, while Midorima just mentally face-palmed at his classmates and sometimes Shinna's stupidness and childishness.

Behind the doors of the Music Room number 3 is a Arabian Kingdom "Welcome." 7 voices chrorused all together. "What its just a kid."  Hikaru said  "And a boy too." he added. "What's the matter are you lost? Or did you come to my palace for something..?" Tamaki said with a smile "Ah. Are you a king?" the boy asked and Tamaki's ears perked up "KING." the boy repeated "KING." the rest of the host club repeated and Tamaki begans to glide and sparkles all around him. "I am junior section grade 5 Class A's Takouji Shirou!" the boy introduced himself as he pointed at the host club. "I would like to apply as the host club king's apprentice!" he said and Tamaki stop and went wide eyed.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2013 ⏰

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