{Chapter 3}

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"This semester is killing me," Taeyong said from across the room. He was lying belly-up on his bed. Sicheng was sitting at his desk chair, working on something he wouldn't let his boyfriend see.

"Yeah, me too." Sicheng was barely paying attention to what he was saying.

"Oh please. You have perfect grades!"

"Don't worry. You'll get better." Sicheng's tongue peeked out the corner of his mouth. Whatever he was working on, it sure was hard work.

"Yeah you're right. It's a good thing I have a cute tutor." Taeyong teased. The Chinese boy just rolled his eyes and smiled. "So when-" he was cut off by the phone ringing.

Taeyong answered. "Hello?"

"Hello, this is a representative of SM Entertainment. I'm calling regarding Lee Taeyong's audition. May I speak with him?" A mans voice came from the speaker.

"T-this is him," he managed to sputter out. Sicheng put down his pen and looked at Taeyong curiously. He didn't say anything, but his expression suggested that he wanted to know who was calling.

"Alright. We would like you to know that you have been chosen as a potential trainee. You would begin coming to the SM building every day, every week, excluding the day of your choice. Do you accept?" He asked.

Taeyong didn't hesitate. "Yes."

"Okay Mr. Lee, we will be sending you your schedule for the month. Thank you for choosing SM. We hope to see you soon. Have a good day." And with that, the representative hung up.

"Who was that?" Sicheng immediately asked.

Taeyong stared down at his phone. "Um, that was SM Entertainment. They uh, they want me as a trainee. And I said yes." He looked at Sicheng. His eyes lit up.

"That's amazing! I knew you would get in!" Sicheng hopped out of his chair to embrace his little dancer. "We have to celebrate! Where do you want to go? My treat."

Taeyong took a moment before replying with "McDonald's". What could he say? He was a simple man.

On the way there, Taeyong couldn't feel a pit begin to form in his stomach. This schedule is going to be pretty rigorous. Lots of late nights practicing and learning. When would he have time to be with the light of his life? He felt the need to tell Sicheng that they may not get to see each other as often.

"You can't get rid of me that easy." Sicheng took one hand off the wheel and squeeze Taeyong's thigh in reassurance. He placed his hand over Sicheng's and held it there.

"Sicheng, I'm serious. This is going to be really hard for us eventually."

"Don't worry, I'm sure we'll figure something out. Besides its not like I won't see you at school." That's true. Taeyong just had a bad feeling about the future of their relationship.

They were quiet for a few moments. Taeyong, deep in thought about whether he should really begin the life of a trainee. Sicheng, concentrating on the road. He glanced over at Taeyong.

"Oh, please tell me you're not reconsidering? You have to do this, you know."

"I know, but babe, it's just that-"

"Don't 'but babe' me, Taeyong. You have to do this. No other options. I'll drag you there myself if I have to." Sicheng wasn't about to let his boyfriend lose the oppertunity of a life time. Taeyong thought this over.

"You're right. I know. I'm just being stupid." Taeyong held on to Sicheng's hand tighter just as they pulled into he parking lot.


"Your first day! I'm so excited for you!" Sicheng was acting like a mother sending her son off on his first day of school.

Taeyong rubbed the back of his neck. "Yeah, me too. Look babe, I gotta go. They're waiting on me. I'll see you at school tomorrow though, okay?"

"Okay! I love you, Lee Taeyong. Don't forget me when you become famous okay?"

"I would never!" Taeyong laid a hand over his heart in mock-offense. Sicheng gave him a quick peck before sending him away.

Their went their future. Each step he took sent their relationship further and further down his list of priorities. Of course not right away, but slowly as he began to spend hours upon hours at SM, he spent less and less time with Sicheng.

Eventually Sicheng got used to being rejected by his boyfriend. He was always too busy learning a new move or he was at rapping lessons. Sicheng didn't hate him or anything. He was happy that Taeyong found a career path that he enjoyed. But he got tired of staying up 'till all hours of the night just so he could say 'goodnight' and 'I love you' before falling asleep, phone still in hand.

Now this isn't to say that they never saw each other. They still had a few dates here and there, whenever Taeyong could manage to fit one in. And there was still school of course. But Taeyong was graduating this year, and that would be the end.

Eventually, their contact with each other became less and less. To the point where they were practically strangers again. Asking simple questions like "how are you?" and "how was your day?".

One day, the Chinese exchange student got a call from his mother in China.

"Sicheng... Baby..." Her voice was shaking. It sounded like she had been crying. "Your father just passed away. I need you to come back to China.

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