Request Rules and stuff - FULL

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Hey! I'm SmazzyNinja! (Hetalia)

This is a run down on my rules when it comes to Drabble requests.


General Rules:

1. No NSFW.

2. Be respectable and patient.

3. Wait your turn.

4. I need to know the format of writing in order for me to write it.


OC request:

I will be more then willing to write your OC a maid/butler Drabble.

But I have rules.

1. Your character has to be true to their country. I find it disrespectful when lets say you have a OC for Greenland. It's cold as shit there, and I seriously doubt you'd walk around in booty shorts and the name Tamayo. It's not Japan!

2. You're country is Brazil, Not Japan. Your country is Mexico, not Japan. Your state is Hawaii, not JAPAN.

3. Your character has such amazing things in their country and a rich culture! And I love seeing how much you know about them!

4. DO NOT steal other writers or artists characters. This rule runs off the honor system. If I find out you've stolen a character I will promptly delete the chapter and alert the owner of you. People work to hard poring their heart into a character, I don't like theft.

5. As for when you request, please go to my request chapter.


Country requests:

1. I do write for gender swapped characters of the hetalia universe.

2. 2p is fine.

3. I do not judge who you want coupled together so have no issues with malexfemale, malexmale, femalexfemale.

4. I want to avoid OOC.

5. Requests go to my request chapter please


The 10 names for the upcoming requests will be on my profile.

I love all you guys but please understand that I'm in the military and have a tight schedule.

Hetalia Maids/Butlers - Drabble SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now