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I was tagged by skylarthebookacorn soooo, here goes nothing! 

I will tag 12 people, and those 12 people must answer the questions I answered. You have three weeks to do this (I'm being generous). 

1) Cats or dogs?

 Ug such a hard choice... but I have to do with dogs.

2) Witches or wizards?

WIZARDS! I mean, even the name is cool. Witch just sounds weird.

3) Ocean or lake?

Ocean. Bigger, better, rarer. 

4) HoO or PJO?

Heroes of Olympus for sure. I feel like Riordan's writing improved a lot in the second series, and the characters were just plain better. There was more variety and better structure in the plot. 

5) HoO/PJO or Harry Potter?

HoO/PJO definitely. I'm sorry, but I didn't enjoy the Harry Potter series as much :/

6) New or old?

Oh jeez, I don't really know. I would have to do with old because older objects carry memories, while newer ones, while they may be better, don't give you the same good feeling when you look at it. Maybe I'm just saying this cause I'm a hoarder.

7) Black or white?

Black. White's just too plain, it can't hide anything. Black is mysterious.

I tag: 













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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2016 ⏰

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