Chapter 1

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Radio's POV


I woke up to my little sister Mary jumping on top of me, "Mary get off!" "OK GET READY FOR SCHOOL! YAY!" "Ugh what is it with you and school!" I say while getting up. I put on my SkyDoesMinecraft shirt that says 'WHO LIEK MINECRAFT?!' my jeans and my red sneakers. I walk down stairs to see my sister Mary dress in a pink dress! Ugh, now she is gonna want me to call her 'Queen Mary' yay! I walk outside to see Glitch and Krazy waiting for me in Glitch's mom's car. "Hey girls!" "Hey Radio!" I get in the back with them and we start talking about our crushes. "How cool would it be to meet them?!" Krazy asked "It wouldn't be cool! It would be awesome!" Glitch said. "It would be rossem!" "Best quote from Ross?" "All the ladies get ROSSed in my eyes!" We all said in sync. We arrive at the school, "I'm going dead mode!" "Aww ok! We will tap your shoulder of needed!" "Thanks! You two are the best!" We then walk in, I see my other friends that I talked to when Glitch and Krazy are gone. I waved at them and they gave me a glare? "You two saw that right?!" "Yeah! I think you shouldn't talk to them for a while! Might of gotten out of the wrong side of the bed!" "True! I won't talk to them unless needed!" Then the bell rings and we go to our first class, Music! I've somehow haven't sang yet on the class. Then again I sit in the WAY back! Why? Because I'm shy! We walk into class and go to our seats, which are right next to each other. "Ok class 3 of you haven't sung yet! You can sing ANY song you want! Even if it has cuss words!" I smirk at that, and whisper to Glitch and Krazy "We are SO gonna sing Just Gold!" "Let's go girls!" We stand up and walk to the front, I take out my phone, and put on Just Gold.

(Lyrics R:Radio, G:Glitch, K:Krazy, and ALL: all three)

ALL: Time for the main attraction,

R: The story must be told,

G: Time for a chain reaction,

K: That never gets old,

ALL: Some bots get satisfaction,

R: Breaking the mold,

G: Some bots are just distraction,

K: Some bots are just gold!

ALL: I'm not the bad guy,

R: I'm just a bit surprising,

G: It's not worth losing sleep,

K: It's not worth analyzing!

ALL: There was a time,

R: Not so long ago at all,

G: I was just like you,

K: Can you hear my call?

ALL: Now I'm popping in,

R: Over here,

G: Over there,

K: I'll be checking in,

ALL: But you'll never be aware!

R: In the beginning,

G: I kept a keen eye,

K: On the state of affairs,

ALL: With the new guy.

R: Now I've got a new gig,

G: Let me know if Ya dig,

K: Ain't going home,

ALL: I better go big!

R: Just gotta glance at Cam 2B.

G: Then ya get a little surprise.

K: It's me...

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