100 Random Facts About Me part 3

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51. I am not the best story writer nor am I the worst story writer.

52. If I ever had a baby and it was a girl, I would probably name her Shonae after my second middle name, or Shontae.

53. My oldest sister and I have the most unique full names ever. (Mine being Tyena Daetra Shonae Taylor and my sister's is Tatiana LaTia Tashae Taylor.) And maybe the most ratchet?

54. I was also cursed with my mother's allergies.

55. Many people say that I look like my grandmother and my mom. Sometimes my dad even...

56. I have an Instagram but not Snapchat or Kik.

57. My favorite food is fried chicken! Even though I love animals.. I feel guilty. And I pretty much eat everything.

58. For as long as I remember, I always loved wearing skirts and dresses and really cute outfits. I still do to this day!

59. My favorite candy is between Starburst and Reese's.

60. I never know why I still do this but I do sexual roleplay.

61. If I could change one thing about me, it would be my shyness.

62. I tried shaving off my eyebrows because I hated how the way they looked. Let's just say they never grew back fully and got a complaint from my mom. So this is why I try to do them.

63. I usually go to bed at 10:30 or 11 on a school night. I know pretty early for some people.

64. I was pretty much the first person in my class to have my period and I didn't even know... Why did I put it on here? I don't even know.

65. Most of the time, whenever people would call me pretty or compliments like that, I would probably just be like, "Nu.."

66. I have at least two aunts and five or six uncles on my mother's side of the family.

67. My grandma and I have the same birthday. Which ended up making me her favorite grandchild.

68. I have always been considered a weird kid in my family.

69. Do not get me started with that number. And I'm pretty sure you would know why.

70. My brother, the one that passed away, and my brother-in-law were both in the military. We also have many other people that joined the military as well.

71. In the summer time, I always get under a light blanket when the fan is turned on.

72. I love going to sleep or taking a nap. It makes me feel recharged and ready for the day when I wake up.

73. I was always made fun of for my name because it rhymed with hyena. Which I sometimes even wonder why my mother named me that.

74. My nickname from my whole family is Poohie. I swear that's so embarrassing.

75. My boobs are pretty big compared to most people in my school. Which is pretty weird for me to say.

(The final part will be out tomorrow)

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